Rebbitzin A”H Dies on Sheraton Beach

candle772.gifA 65-year-old chareidi woman, a mother of a prominent rav of a Tel Aviv area, sustained a heart attack and died of cardiac arrest on Sheraton Beach in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.

According to a report, it was first believed the woman was a drowning victim but emergency medical service personnel quickly realized she was in cardiac arrest as a result of a heart attack, not drowning.

Prolonged resuscitation efforts by paramedics on the scene were unsuccessful and a physician pronounced her dead on the beach.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. smart2
    you hit the spot.
    its an unfortunate event and it shouldnt happen to anyone ,let alone at age of 65.
    whats the name of this rebitzun?
    was a mixed beach, what are you reporting, rechilus and confrontation?
    whats the sinificance of the whole news item?

  2. ras18 and smart2-
    For you’re information, the Sheraton beach is “nifrad”-separate-and many frum yidden from Bnei Brak swim there-just some clarification reguarding you’re “rechilus” comment ras18

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