HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch: Now Is Not The Time For “Million Man March”

HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch. (Shuki Lehrer)

HaRav Moshe Berezovsky, the son of the Slonimer Rebbe, recently met with the Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch to discuss the recent IDF draft ruling..

During their discussion, Rav Berezovsky urged Rav Hirsch to organize a large-scale protest akin to the “March of the Million” held over two decades ago. However, the Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva, as reported by Kol Hai Radio, promptly dismissed the idea, citing concerns that such actions could exacerbate tensions and potentially trigger elections, a scenario the Chareidi parties wish to avoid presently.

HaRav Hirsch emphasized that now is not the opportune moment for such demonstrations, stressing the importance of exhausting all avenues for passing a Draft Law by consensus before considering any drastic measures that could jeopardize the coalition.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. why do Zionists insist we serve but the Arabs who get more benefits not be required to serve? its simple its a shmad nothing to do with the war or fighting.

  2. A “million man march” to the Bakum to enlist would be a great thing – it would force the army to accelerate putting frameworks in place that would be appropriate for Chareidim. The army should definitely work with Chareidim on such frameworks – the main issue is getting Chareidim to really engage, instead of coming up with one reason after the other that ALL Chareidim should be considered B’nei Torah and not serve – even those who are not really in yeshiva, but are either hanging out or working off the books.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. In the middle of war is NOT the best time to threaten to call the zionists’ “bluff”. Successful hareidi opposition to the medinah would seriously and permanently undermine the medinah, by openly rejecting that it is a Jewish state with an over 3000 year old claim to Eretz Yisrael, and would support the Palestinian position that the medinah is the result of secular European impose their secular socialism on the Islamic majority of the Middle East, and that even though some zionists have Jewish ancestry, their movement is unrelated to the Jewish community that lived in Eretz Yisrael in the past.

    The zionists ruling class believes, wrongly, that western support for the medinah is in appreciation of it being ultra secular, still fairly socialists, and culturally very Euro-American. In fact, those westerners who support (or at least are willing to tolerate) the medinah, do so in the belief that it was founded by its indigenous Jewish population returning home. Hareidim opposition will belie that.

  4. lakewoodbt

    right on point, I wouldn’t recommend anyone serve until Israel has an Arab Chief of Staff or the majority of army leadership is Arab.

  5. A beautiful story of ahavas yeshiva bochurim in E”Y: My son is learning in Ponevizh. He said that today some of his friends were in the shteiblach davening and a man who associates himself with the mizrachi movement went up to a few of my son’s friends and to some other bochurim who looked like they could use a new suit for Yom Tov. He told them to meet him at the suit store in the afternoon and he would sponsor them a new suit – as all yeshiva bochurim should feel special and not feel ‘rejected’ by am yisrael during this tekufah. It was a true kiddush Hashem and a feeling that Klal Yisrael are with us!!! Unfortunately the ones that aren’t on our side – are the ones making a lot of noise.

  6. The Supreme Court is the deep state and there is a lot of opposition to them from the permanent right wing majority. But they are not going to be defeated by the issue of the draft. It’s advisable to exersize prudence and wait for the right issue.

  7. chachamhagadol: If there was a right wing majority, it would show up in election results. Election results are consistently showing that a majority of Israelis do not approve of Hareidim, and favor conscription of Hareidim including full time yeshiva students.

  8. lakewoodbt says:
    “why do Zionists insist we serve but the Arabs who get more benefits not be required to serve? its simple its a shmad nothing to do with the war or fighting.”

    Why do Jews not born in Israel insist they have a right to government funding when they go to Eretz Yisroel as yeshiva students, let alone move there for years and get a full range of benefits, and to even become citizens (so that they can get even more benefits) when Arabs have no such right?

  9. Shlomo 2: RE: “Why do Jews not born in Israel insist they have a right to government funding when they go to Eretz Yisroel as yeshiva students,” — it has nothing to do with rights, but is pure economics. Jews from outside of Israel are fairly affluent (compared to Israelis), and have choices (they can learn in golus, or in Israel). If they come to Eretz Yisrael to learn, they (from an Israeli perspective) spend lots of money, including transportation, food, housing, and often living very well in their first period of being free from parental supervision. From a MACROECONOMIC perspective, foreign yeshiva students are a major stimulus to the Israeli economy (and remember the thousands of dollars they spend, have a much bigger impact, cf; Keynesian multipliers). The money given to encourage foreign yeshiva students to learn in Israel results in a vastly greater sum on money (typically in dollars) being inserted into the Israeli economy so it is worth it for the Israelis to “tip the scales” and encourage relatively rich Americans to learn in Israel.

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