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Report: Sullivan To Meet With MBS To Push “Mega-Deal” That Includes Ties With Israel

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan is flying to Saudi Arabia on Thursday for a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about a possible “mega-deal” that would include a Saudi-Israeli normalization deal, Axios reported on Monday evening.

Three officials, White House Middle East czar Brett McGurk, senior energy adviser Amos Hochstein, and State Department counselor Derek Chollet, are traveling to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to prepare for the meeting.

The deal would include a US-Saudi defense deal and “understandings” regarding US support for a Saudi civilian nuclear program. Israel’s side of the deal would include “committing to a path toward a two-state solution.”

The report, which was written by left-wing and anti-Netanyahu jounalist Barak Ravid, states that “Netanyahu would then face a choice: If he agrees, he could broke a historic peace deal with Saudi Arabia. If he says no, he could be exposed as a rejectionist and lose whatever U.S. support he still has left.'”

Of course, blaming Netanyahu for the failure of deal if he “says no” is absurd, with the prospect of a two-state solution, especially after the October 7th assault, completely unfeasible and opposed by the vast majority of Knesset members, right-wing and left-wing alike.

The report does acknowledge that fact but partially blames Netanyahu and fails to even mention the real reason – unrelenting Palestinian terrorism spurred and emboldened by the Palestinian Authority via incitement and its pay-for-slay payments.

“Many in the White House think the Saudi mega-deal is a pipe dream, citing the war in Gaza, Netanyahu’s dependence on his radical right-wing coalition partners, and U.S. domestic politics,” the report states.

The report also acknowledges that even if a deal is reached, it will be almost impossible for the Senate to ratify a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia as Democrats are unlikely to support a deal that would be a win for both Netanyahu and MBS.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The Palestinians categorically reject a 2-state – they want it ALL from the River to the See – just read the placards in London protests and elsewhere.

  2. The only 2 state solution is Israel and Jordan. The international community should fund all Arabs who don’t want to live in peace with Jews, to move to Jordan.

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