IDF Distances Yesha Residents from Their Homes Ahead of Olive Season

idf tank.jpgIDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has taken a bold step, signing an administrative order prohibiting a number of Yesha residents from remaining in their homes for a period of three-to-four months, ahead of the start of olive harvesting season. The army explains that they have gathered intelligence information that the recipients of the administrative order plan to disrupt Arab farmers who come to the fields to harvest their olives – prompting the preemptive move, ordering them to leave their homes for a period of months.

The recipients of the order include Meir Bretler and David Lieberman, both of Adi Ad near Shilo, and Akiva HaCohen of Yitzhar. All are residents of Shomron.

They are literally now homeless — banned from entering Shomron, without police, the IDF or the state offering any housing solution that will permit them to remain with their families. The order demands they leave their homes before this Shabbos.

HaCohen lives on his farm, adjacent to Yitzhar, and he questions who will be responsible for his land and his crops. It will also prevent him from planting his first crop after Shmitah year ends.

Chevron resident and the head of the Chazit Yehudit organization, Baruch Marzel, sharply protested the “discriminatory move,” questioning why left-wing activists and Arabs are not barred from areas such as Na’alin where violent protests against the security perimeter fence are regular occurrences. Here he explains, they are being ousted from their homes without having done anything wrong.

While an appeal is planned before Shabbos, they do not feel they will succeed in overturning the IDF administrative order.

It must be pointed out that in the past, there have been many recorded cases in which Arabs under the guise of harvesting olives get dangerously close to Jewish communities and often take advantage of the situation to spy on the Jewish communities. Many Arabs do indeed harvest their olives and nothing more, but security officials have without a doubt documented many cases when the ‘farmers’ are using their freedom-of-movement in proximity to Jewish communities for ulterior motives.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Pre-emptive expulsion from their homes for 3 months because of what they MIGHT do?!? If that’s the way the Israeli police operate, they surely have a basis for throwing most arabs out of Israel because of terrorist acts they MIGHT do!!!

  2. The Jews in the West Bank should try to act more civil towards the Arabs. Trashing trees is dubious halachically, and if history is a guide, we might sometime (again) be seeking to live peacefully with the Muslims, so why make it harder by harassing them.

    To those who will comment that the Arabs are mortal enemies, I note that our dispute with the Palestinians is basically one of Dinei Mamonos (who owns what, who owes what, etc), whereas our dispute with the Hiloni Jews is over matters such as Avodah Zarah, Gilui Ariyos, and even whether there is creator and whether Torah is min-ha-Shamayim. We should be able to negotiate with the Arabs, only a apikores thinks we can compromise with the Hilonim.

  3. The Jews in the West Bank should try to act more civil towards the Arabs. Trashing trees is dubious halachically, and if history is a guide, we might sometime (again) be seeking to live peacefully with the Muslims, so why make it harder by harassing them.
    BTW where do u get your news from? AL-azare which shows videos of uprooted olive trees by west bank settlers THAT were videoed after the Arab themselves uprooted the trees, just to bring lies to the EU & media. AND the Muslims of today are not the Muslims of the past.

  4. to #5
    If we have to choose between living in an Eretz Yisrael in which institutions that discriminate against gays (by teaching that their behavior is wrong) are closed down, in which a person who loses a job for not working Shabbos is considered to be voluntarily unemployed, in which all the frum men and women are drafted in a secular army, etc. – you might prefer to cut a deal with the Arabs, and some day we might have to (if we want to preserve a Torah-oriented yishuv). We shouldn’t be burning bridges.

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