Attorney-General: “IDF Must Begin Drafting Chareidim On Monday”

Beis Medrash. (Shuki Lehrer) IDF soldiers. (IDF spokesperson)

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara sent a letter on Sunday ordering the State to begin drafting Chareidim on Monday.

“From tomorrow, the security system must start drafting Chareidim,” she wrote.

She also warned the Education Ministry of trying to bypass the cut in yeshivah funding by increasing funds in other areas.

“The Education Ministry will refrain from any step that can or may entail a circumvention of the provision of the interim order – whether through increasing the budget…in other ways or through other funding channels or in any other way.”

Her letter follows her recommendation on Thursday to the Supreme Court to begin drafting Chareidim and cut funding to yeshivos – in direct opposition to the view of the government whom she was hired to represent.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. “Her letter follows her recommendation on Thursday to the Supreme Court to begin drafting Chareidim and cut funding to yeshivos – in direct opposition to the view of the government whom she was hired to represent.”

    In fact, the Attorney General’s role is to advise the government, not to represent it.
    This is her interpretation of the law; she works for the people of Israel, not its government.

    Same way that Trump’s and Biden’s attorney generals were supposed to represent the law, not Biden and not Trump.

  2. An attorney general prosecutes on behalf of the govt. it works for the govt and its role is it not to advise the government.

    It represents the govt in prosecuting ppl who have violated its laws it’s role is not to tell the govt what to do.

  3. Coffee, it’s even worse because she is no branch of power. None. She is a bureaucrat. In no country in history has a single bureaucrat been able to wield so much power, that she can just tell the government what to do against their will. I guess Secretary General of the Communist Party came closest, but even they were always elected (in not too honest elections). She doesn’t even have that.

  4. In Israel EVERYONE is the boss: the supreme court cancels laws decided by the elected government.
    The AG tells the government what to do and prosecutes the prime minister
    Individual ministers make decisions against the majority of the elected Knesset
    Head of police deciding when to investigate, which protests to break up and how to intimidate key witnesses to give false testimony etc. etc.

  5. The soton speaks. The soton is getting in the way of all the good that was accomplished over the last six months. The soton realizes we made strides to bring Moshiach and he knows his time is almost up.

    Derech Hateva: This is why judicial reform was so important for EY to have. You can’t have the AG or a justice turn over laws because they don’t like them .

  6. The Supreme Court has effectively made the AG’s interpretation of the law binding on the government. This is not written into the law, and was not always the case – the original role of the AG was seen as advisory only. It was only under the “judicial revolution” promoted by Aharon Barak in the 1990s that the AG’s role was “found” (with no real basis) to be binding.

    I’m not taking a position one way or the other on her determination here – I’m only explaining the role under current Israeli law and practice.

    an Israeli Yid

  7. The right in Israel suffers from the same illness the right in the USA is suffering, and that is a weakness to FIRR LETY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES who end up wreaking havoc on their administration

    BIBI and the Likud are very much suffering from this illness, it’s time they get voted out with new blood who will only cate about the Jewishness of the state and not what about Lefty lawyers and judges have to say

  8. It’s not just a lack of Torah that they want. They know they melting pot of the IDF brings down religious observance. That’s the goal also.

    This may be שעת השמד .

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