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HaGaon HaRav Zilberstein: “I’m Writing With A Broken Heart”

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein was sent a shaila about the Supreme Court’s decision to freeze funds to yeshivos beginning on Sunday.

The shaila begins by saying that “unfortunately the situation of Am Yisrael is very difficult – both the war and the international outcry against us. But now we have another tzarah – the Supreme Court wants to halt the funding of yeshivos and kollelim and begin drafting yeshivah bochurim to the army.”

“As is known, the Rav said many times in the name of HaGaon HaRav Elyashiv, z’tl, that the zechus of the existence of the State is only in the zechus that it supports mosdos Torah. And the public is afraid – who knows what will be now? And they want to hear divrei chizuk and hadracha from the Rav.”

Uncharasterically, HaRav Zilberstein wrote a very brief response: “Limmud Torah is what protects us and we have nothing left but this Torah.”

He then wrote: “Writing and signing with a broken heart” – and signed his name.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. What about all the Torah learned by those who are not relying on a Dichuy to avoid army service – is that somehow worth less? The government is continuing to fund that learning…

    an Israeli Yid

  2. How would the Rav feel about the following plan: 65,000 Data Leumi Bnei Torah leave army service and are replaced by 65,000 haredim, with the 65,000 dati Leumi going straight to yeshivos and koleilim?

    That way, no Torah will be lost, as the amount of learning will remain the same, just that different people will be doing it.

  3. For those that don’t yet understand the value of Torah. The answer is that we will support them. Baalei Batim like me, frum and non-frum people in the Golah and in E’Y will support continued learning. We will never let it be diminished by a radically secular court. It will never stop and hopefully those that don’t yet appreciate it’s value will learn from those who do.

  4. Shlomo 2:
    You’re obviously trolling, but the truth is that since “Religious Zionism” is idolatry (as per all the gedolim who discussed it), idolatrous Torah is obviously not nearly as valuable as is real Torah.

  5. An Israeli Yid – Torah learned by every and any Yid has inestimable worth, but the State of Israel has slashed their merit to exist by many percentage points and is in grave danger. The State has become anorexic; they left themselves a starvation diet of merits.

  6. Yes, Dati Leumi learning interrupted by military service has a fraction of value, apart from much of the Yiras Shomayin getting lost in the treife army.

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