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Environmentalists Challenge IDF’s Master Plan for the Negev

Environmentalists are calling on the IDF to hold off celebrating, explaining the Supreme Court has yet to have the last word regarding plans to construct a military city in the Negev.

The first phase of the master plan was actualized on Monday, after delays caused by petitions filed by environmentalists, who are continuing to take their case to the high court in the hope of stopping the construction of an entity which will eventually serve as home for 20,000 military personnel at a cost of NIS 25 billion.

On Monday, the air force moved its base from Lod, adjacent to Ben-Gurion International Airport to the Negev, marking the first phase of the military’s master plan.

Omer Council leader Pini Badash was angered when Defense Minister Ehud Barak during Monday’s ceremony welcomed and even praised the environmentalists, exclaiming they should not receive any acknowledgement since they are trying to stop the program. Badash shouted that they have caused delays and are trying to persuade the court to prohibit continued construction, pointing out the plan is a welcome one, one that will bring much desired industry and jobs to the area, one that may actually bring a realization of Ben-Gurion’s dream of flourishing life in the area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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