High Court Grants Government Short Extension On Chareidi Military Service Response

Israel’s High Court of Justice has granted the government an additional three days to formulate its response to petitions demanding the drafting of Charedi men of military age. The court’s ruling comes amid a brewing political crisis within the coalition over the contentious issue.

The government had previously committed to filing its response by March 24, but has now been granted until March 27 to submit its proposal for resolving the longstanding issue. However, the court’s acting president, Uzi Vogelman, and justices Isaac Amit and Noam Sohlberg, made it clear that their patience is wearing thin, warning that if the response is not filed by the new deadline, the court will rule on the petitions based on the information currently available.

The government’s request for an extension comes as the law regulating military service exemptions for Charedi men is set to expire on March 31. The government has been struggling to find a solution that balances the demands of Charedi political parties, who oppose legal obligations for their community to enlist, with the requirements of a 2017 High Court ruling, which mandates increased Charedi enlistment.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Is Netanyahu really such a moral wimp that he cannot stand up to his coalition partners and insist that everyone must share in the burdens and risks of national service?? He has insisted for years that he strongly believes in universal service for everyone but keeps finding excuses to avoid implementing his stated belief.

  2. @Gadolhadorah: You clearly fail to see the the power of: veahgita yomam v’laila protecting Israel so I don’t see your gadlus at this moment.
    …but Bibi is a moral wimp for not standing up to bagatz the way he initially and for many other reasons.

  3. YWN you are playing into the hand of our secularists leftists enemies: there is no exemption for Chareidy military service and it’s not what they ask for – the exemption is for BNEI TORAH who study torah full time and with that THEY are protecting the country.
    On the other hand there are PLENTY of CHAREIDIM serving in the army.

  4. “the court will rule on the petitions based on the information currently available” the information currently AVAILABLE IF you want to have it is clear: The security situation would 1000 times worse choliloh if not for the Zechus of tens of thousands bochrim and avreichim learning full time in Yeshivos.
    Adding 100’000 bnei torah to the IDF will do NOTHING good for the country!

  5. The Zionists just bought themselves another three days. But the more they attack and fight the Torah and its adherents, the sooner they bring on themselves the destruction of their idol.

  6. “Adding 100’000 bnei torah to the IDF will do NOTHING good for the country!”

    Tell that to the families of reservists who have been called up for duty since October 7th with only several weeks of leave and where the families and businesses are suffering or the farmers who cannot find workers to harvest their fields, or the understaffed schools and nurseries. Tell that to the families of the hundreds who have been niftar since October 7th. If they are too frightened to serve in on the front lines, let them volunteer to work in schools, hospitals etc. rather than hiding under their shtenders when the rocket alerts sound. Kol hakovod to the growing number of bochurim who have volunteered to serve and shame on those who don’t

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