READ IT: A Letter Sent From A Brooklyn Resident To Chuck Anti-Shomer Yisroel Schumer

Dear Senator Schumer,

I am a long time Brooklyn resident and supporter of yours. I have defended you among colleagues even when it was unpopular to do so, as when you delayed in opposing president Obama’s support for the Iranian deal. More recently, I pointed to your sincere and personal condemnation of antisemitism from the Senate floor as proof of your ‘Shomer Yisroel’ bonafides.

However, you lost me last week – forever. I will no longer support or defend someone who, no matter how well intentioned, gladdened the hearts of Israel’s enemies when Israel was most vulnerable. The world perceived your attack against Netanyahu as an attack against all of Israel and its policies. Indeed, by a huge majority,  the people of Israel are completely supportive of this essential war against Hamas and as you know, its war decision-making is much more influenced by Gantz and company who are part of the war cabinet than by Ben Gvir and Smotrich who are not.

I will no longer support someone who sacrifices Israel and the Jewish people on the alter of his own self interest. How ironic that you accuse Netanyahu of putting his political survival before his principles while you throw away 40 years of defending Israel for your own political interests.

You have come a long way since sitting in the office of the Speaker of the House as an intimidated junior congress person. Now you’re the mighty Senate majority leader and the highest elected Jewish official this country has ever known. I for one preferred the Chuckenyu who knew where he came from and understood his obligations to his people.

Megillas Esther which we will read next week has Mordechai telling Esther perhaps it is precisely for this moment that you were put into a position of royalty. The same could be said for the senior Senator from New York. Esther, of course, rose to the occasion but you have chosen to do the bidding of a President who needed cover from a respected Jewish politician to communicate his displeasure with Israel’s elected government. All in the name of politics.

Who gave you the right to meddle in the political affairs of a foreign sovereign nation, particularly one that has a vibrant democracy? I am no great fan of its Prime Minister who has, in fact, placed political expedience above the best interests of his nation — in 2021, that is, when he could have stepped down and allowed another to take over his Likud party instead of allowing Bennet and Lapid to oust Likud from power.

But now, during this awful war, when the country has but one unified objective – to destroy the current day Nazis at their border – your call to remove Bibi has accomplished only one thing. You have rallied all of the anti-Israel voices, — not the anti-Bibi voices –and have turned up the pressure on Israel when it desperately needs supporters. And towards what end – to curry favor with the White House which in turn wishes to curry favor with the Hamas lovers in Michigan?

Senator Schumer, you have abandoned your people. How sad that the One and Only True Shomer Yisroel, Who has protected His people from all of its enemies for 2000 years now receives far more assistance from the Honorable Christian Senator from South Carolina than from the Jewish Senate Majority Leader.

You should listen carefully to the speech Senator Graham gave in response to yours. You have made a great mess. While you have lost me and tens of thousands like me, you owe it to yourself and the Jewish people to try and fix it.


Name Withheld

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. So well written.
    Sir – you lost us –
    From the days of being a nothing.
    Forty Five Years ago-
    You would speak at
    Cong. Ohev Tzeddak of Flatbush.
    You would speak at
    Prospect Park Yeshiva Graduation .
    You are back to being a nothing!!
    G-d returned you to what you really are.
    You and Weiner – a great combo
    Both fried and burnt
    And this happens right by Purim.
    A modern Purim story.
    Another one to “hang” up

  2. Well, it’s the opinion of the author of the letter, respectively.

    This letter is lost like a needle in a haystack within thousands of kudos letters of support for his righteous views. It seems that politicians being afraid from Zionists pressure to speak their mind is a thing of the past.

  3. All points accurate, however, too respectful. He doesn’t deserve even a modicum of respect. He NEVER had Israel’s back, only his own. No Yeshiva, or Frum organization should let him in the door at any dinner or event ever again. He is a חזיר. He lies on his back and shows his split hooves, all the while not chewing his cud. That’s why a pig has a special place amongst the unkosher animals. It tries to fool you. Chuck, at least have the decency to admit that your are a Treif Behaima.

  4. Schumer was always a filthy vermin, a TREASONOUS America hating rabies infected sewer rat.
    This filthy gangster is a traitor to his own country and his own religion.

  5. AAC you are so right. CS spoke Friday night a KJC and spoke wirds of חירוף and גידוף. Anyone remember the 2 most pressing problems?

  6. Schumer just won re-election in 2022.
    He is not up for re-election until 2028.
    Just realize this when calling him names, making fun of his name and blowing way out of proportion the meaning and consequences of what he said.

  7. Chuck Schumer isn’t a Shomer Yisroel. He’s a Shomer Chuck. He never cared about any Jews. He’s a meshumad and a hypocrite.

  8. The next ‘Askan’ who tells me to vote for Schumer (or any Democrat), I’ll puke right on his face!! They love your votes and then stab you in the back.

  9. When we read of Jews insulted on campus, we wonder why they stick around to be abused. When we read of Senator Schumer broadcasting the lies of Hamas and the US Administration about Israel, we wonder how long respectable Jewish organizations will still use him to line up Federal funding for their projects. The projects are worthy, but Schumer is decidedly not. The flattery such organizations heap on this reprobate is also unworthy. Is enough ever enough, or does some eternal umbilical cord connect us to the Democratic Party as long as its beyond-corrupt leaders can influence government budgeting? What does our groveling to such characters look like, and how does that sanctify HaShem’s Name in the world? . Reflection about our self-respect is in order.

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