Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah: Israel Will Lose War And Destroy Itself By Fighting With Charedim

In a speech marking Ramadan, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah asserted that Israel will ultimately lose the war in Gaza, even if it enters Rafah. Directing his comments at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Nasrallah declared, “Even if you go to Rafah, you have lost the war.”

Nasrallah emphasized that Gaza’s residents will not surrender to Israel, despite the massacres, and will continue to embrace the resistance. He questioned, “Who are you negotiating with if Hamas has been defeated?”

Addressing internal Israeli debates, Nasrallah pointed to the “political crisis with the Charedim” serving in the IDF, predicting that it would lead to the collapse of the state. He also referenced Opposition Leader Yair Lapid’s remarks that the IDF lacks sufficient manpower to wage a war on the northern front.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. “Who are you negotiating with if Hamas has been defeated?”
    That’s a great question since there’s no one really to negotiate with.

    A: a few Hamas expat bureaucrats in Qatar who cannot even get a hold of a bunch of abductors hiding in a hole in the ground.

  2. The more likely result is that those who desire to expand conscription is based solely on hatred of Yiddishkeit (rather than concerns about military manpower, e.g. Lapid) will be forced to the side. Israel will instead offer serious accommodation for Hareidim who enlist, will establish veteran benefits that benefit yeshiva and kollel students, and establish a single policy covering non-Jews, secular “refusniks”, and Hareidim who refuse to serve in the IDF that is based on the concept of “conscientious objection” and relies on economic disincentives to discourage refusal to serve in the IDF.

  3. It’s a shame that it took this savage to say the obvious: the more the Zionists fight the Torah and its adherents, the faster the Zionists will self-destruct.

    The flip side of that, of course, is that the Zionists do not lack sufficient manpower to wage war on their Northern front; that’s just an excuse to try to shmad the chareidim.

  4. He said some other dreams of his, like Biden with a stroke of a pen halting arms flow to Israel – which in reality isn’t so far-fetched…

  5. Whether he’s right or wrong; the internal strive and particular their fight against the chareidim [not only in regards to serving in the army] apparently emboldens our enemies

  6. doom777: But if Israel calls up those soldiers for any length of time, the economy collapses. And by moving most of Israel to a “first world” economy, Israel allowed itself to become dependent on foreign countries. If survival required returning to the standard of living of Israel in the 1950s, or Palestine in the 1930s, would Israeli be able to do so? Whether one is talking about foreign vacations, or having a high percentage of the population engaged in academic pursuits (not just learning Torah), Israel is well off.

  7. Thank you hezbollah! This just shows that anytime it terrorist organization takes your side, your side is the wrong side…. PERIOD.

  8. @HaKatan,

    Get out of your shtetl. No one cares about shmad. What they care about is a bunch of leeches of society who don’t work, contribute to society, and are actively against the society that feeds them. If you wouldn’t accept government assistance, this will not be a problem. You cannot have both ways. You can’t Leach off the government and then be against it.

    So stop being a schnorer and sit and learn or give back to that society that pays you.

  9. @hakatan there is a special place in gejenom for kofrim which u certainly seem to be I feel sorry for you and hope that you wake up before hashem teaches you a lesson u won’t forget

  10. anon1m0us:
    Get out of your church of Zionism. G-d cares very much about preventing Zionist shmad. They are not leeches, although the Zionists do all they can to impoverish them. In every country in the world in which chareidim live, they work and/or run businesses that enrich government coffers with lots of tax dollars. Only in the Zionist paradise do the Zionists insist on their army requirement, meaning converting from Judaism to Zionism, which the Chareidim obviously cannot do, as a condition for meaningful employment.

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