Heartwarming Video: Yeshiva Bochurim Fulfill ‘V’Ahavtem Es HaGer’

A moving incident occurred in a yeshivah in Jerusalem when the bochurim collected money to buy a much-needed item for a Ger Tzedek who works in the yeshivah.

The ger, who lives in Givat Shaul, works in Yeshivas Romemus HaAdam in Sandhedria and used to get there every day on his electric bicycle. But a month ago, his bike was stolen and the bochurim saw how hard it was for him to get to the yeshivah on public transportation and how upset he was about the theft.

Two weeks ago, the bochurim decided to pool their money together and replace his bike. They managed to gather the needed sum of NIS 6,000 and make the purchase.

On Monday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, they surprised him with the gift and as seen in the video below, his face says it all.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Is it true that a Kohen is not allowed to marry his daughter even though she was also M’gayer? Because she does keep everything.
    We should really train ourselves to have human love to every decent human being instead of using this Ger as a Chefetz Shel Mitzvah.

  2. @ader
    not clear on the axact nature of your question, or your comment, but it has less than palatable insinuations… perhaps ypu can clarify?

    And to your point.
    The number one issue in society as a whole today, is pedestal given to “love” and “kindness” above all else.
    lets just say it doesnt come from a good place.

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