Prisoners Released – Abu Mazen Reaps the Rewards

While IDF soldiers entered the Ramallah area, under PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous control, the crowds did not attack them with rocks as is their usual response. As the buses carrying the terrorists and security prisoners being released made their way on Monday, the soldiers were compelled to patrol the area, to maintain order, enduring further embarrassment as PA residents prepared the heroes welcome for the released prisoners.

For PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), it was a day that even a campaign strategist could not have planned enhanced – bringing him into the center spotlight, with PA residents celebrating their latest victory against Israel, once again, without firing a bullet.

The two veteran terrorists, who were serving life sentences for their attacks, were not on the buses, but transported as VIPs in the vehicle of the PA justice minister. They of course received special honors for their murderous acts.

In his address, Abu Mazen, the “moderate” as Israel refers to him, vowed to continue his struggle until Jerusalem is liberated and until all the Israeli prisons are empty.

As for the VIPs released, Abu-Ali Yata, a Fatah dignitary imprisoned since 1980, he told reporters his imprisonment was comparable with the prisons of Hitler.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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