In First Gaza Deployment, Ultra-Orthodox Battalion Kills Hamas Terrorists, Destroys Launch Sites

In a recent operation in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, the IDF’s Kfir Brigade’s Netzah Yehuda Battalion achieved significant success, marking a first for the unit’s deployment in Gaza. The battalion, comprised of ultra-Orthodox and religious troops, was temporarily placed under the Gaza Division’s Northern Brigade for the operation.

According to the IDF, the soldiers located and destroyed Hamas anti-tank missile launching positions, observation posts, and tunnel shafts, and killed several gunmen in Beit Hanoun.

In December, the IDF announced that it had completed dismantling Hamas’s Beit Hanoun Battalion, but noted that smaller cells remained active in the area. The recent operation highlights the ongoing efforts to eradicate Hamas’s presence in Gaza.

The Kfir Brigade’s Netzah Yehuda Battalion is typically deployed in the West Bank, making this operation a first for the unit in Gaza.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. The members of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion are the #1 Best Jews in the world.

    They study Torah, and perform mitzvot according to Halachah, and they fight with guns to protect the Jewish people and the Jewish land, and they work to support their families.

    They represent the most authentic Orthodox Judaism.

    They are what real Torah looks like; they are the modern-day Davids.

    Through their merit, the Melech HaMashiach will come.

  2. Good for him; proud of him…

    Settlements are illegal and causes much antisemitism. In addition, it doesn’t help with world opinion of Gaza war and we need not fight the nations.

    If c”v Biden would pull support from Israel, we’re in lots of trouble. We don’t rely on nissim.

  3. to: ccb45
    First, The reference to Jews living in a specific location as “settlements” (implying they are not allowed to live there) is really a very racist way of talking. it is essentially saying these areas need to be Judenrein!
    Second and more direct to what you are saying: the removal of these so called “settlements” from Gaza is what got us to this disaster. Hamas came to power and built all this terrorist infrastructure after the “disengagement” from Gaza in 2005.
    for some reason the removal of all Jews (judenrein) from Gaza didn’t cause peace.
    I guess its like trying to make peace with the devil…

  4. For anyone who thinks Netzach Yehuda is a haredi batallion, it is marketed this way, but it is not. I know personally many guys who went there. There are two types of soldiers in Netzach:

    1. hardal religious zionists — the frummer RZs that don’t want to join regular batallions, since Netzach does have kosher food and no girls
    2. Off the derech boys from haredi families who are in good relationships with their families, and Netzach is the compromise that their parents agree too

    There are other actual Haredi places in the army — Tomer in Givati, and a support battalion in the Air Force (I forgot what it’s called), but Netzach really isn’t.

  5. “Ultra-Orthodox” and “IDF Soldier” are self-contradictory. Once the Zionists shmad them in their army, regardless of framework, they are no longer “ultra-orthodox”.

    Usual Zionist heresy. We learn from Mordechai, for example, that limud Torah is greater than hatzalas nefashos. And that’s when the latter is done al pi Torah.

  7. Kol hakovod to these courageous young bnai torah. While they are out risking their lives, too many of their neighbors are hiding under their shtenders when the sirens sound or out on the streets mindlessly demonstrating against the daft. For those Chareidim who refuse to participate in some form of national service, there should be zero government subsidies or stipends.

  8. Why not go one step forward.

    Israel & settlements are illegal and causes much antisemitism. In addition, it doesn’t help with world opinion of Gaza war and we need not fight the nations.

  9. square root, fighting with guns is the most authentic orthodox Judaism? This is what real Torah looks like?
    Or do you have an image of what’s right and wrong and your calling it “authentic orthodox Judaism”
    Torah is from the word ho’ra’ah, teaching, it teaches you, not you teach it.

  10. I keep hearing the excuse that the “Bnei Torah” (modern day term for those in Yeshiva….) should not leave the walls of Yeshiva. What ever happened to the Halacha of הבא להרגך השכם והורגו?
    Why not open a a sefer and start learning? Why did Moshe Rabbeinu and Dovid Hamelech go to war? They could of just started learning?
    The answer is Poshut. There are times when defense and pikuach nefesh are דוחה כל התורה כולה.
    We see by Yaakov Avinu that he prepared himself in 3 ways when meeting Eisav. And one of them was with war.
    If you claim that all those גאונישע קעפ should stay behind learning, ok. But why in the world do the frum leide-geyers claim that they can’t help in effort to defend Klal Yisroel????

    And please stop slandering the IDF. They are not looking for the Frume to join the combat units, or mixed units, they simply need manpower, i.e. to cook, transport, logistics etc.

    So the question remains, why the culture of excuses and blame?
    Why do many “frume” have opposition to help ???
    And then they claim that they raise the flag of Zaka. Very nice, but that is a small fraction of the Frume velt.

    Why are you better than your brother??? Who will do this work if not us??? Shame on all those that look for excuses to avoid their obligations!!! Shame on all those who make blood libels of shmad etc against the very ones that are giving of their life to protecting you while you eat Kugel in Bnei Brak. You have blood on your hands. You are the worst of society. Like a Yitush which is Machnis v’eino motzi.

    Looking at the comments on this site, it sure feels like I do not share the same religion as many of those commenting. They have stone cold hearts and they lack the simanim of a Yid. רחמנים, ביישנים, גומלי חסדים.
    Many of these commenters lack all 3 of the simanim.

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