LIBERMAN’S NEW SHTICK: Ban Bnei Yeshivos From Leaving Israel, Strip Them Of All Benefits

Avigdor Lieberman. (PR)

Divisive talk and incitement in Israel considerably decreased following the October 7th massacre, but in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to force the government to explain why Chareidim shouldn’t be drafted to the IDF and the resulting political debate on the matter, the always hateful Avigdor Leiberman was quick to join in the fray.

Lieberman intends to propose a draconian bill on Wednesday in the Knesset – a bill regulating military or civil service into law for all citizens at the age of 18 – Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Druze and Circassian.

According to the bill, the following restrictions will apply to an 18-year-old who does not enlist for military or civilian service:

  • He will be forbidden from leaving Israel.
  • He will not be entitled to any tax benefits.
  • He will not be entitled to benefits for living in national priority areas.
  • He will not be entitled to a property tax (arnona) discount.
  • He will not be entitled to state subsidies for his children’s daycare centers.
  • He will not be entitled to academic support programs in institutes of higher education.
  • He will not be permitted to work for the local or national government.
  • He will not be eligible to participate in the Housing Ministry’s discounted housing [מחיר למשתכן] program.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. Chabad missionaries why don’t you ask gin to put on tefilins ?
    That’s the price to pay when we accept money from state and we participate in the Knesset haminims instead of relying on H’. We partner with reshayims , there’s a price to pay and it’s not a small one. It’s still time to fire all the Shas, aguda and all erev rav fake religious parties and do Teshuva. If we don’t partner with the state they won’t have any grasp on us.

  2. I kind of agree with no benefits as long as they slash funding for leftwing stuff and lower taxes
    I don’t believe anyone should be drafted

  3. Divisive talk and incitement in Israel considerably deceased

    Deceased?! You keep using that word. i don’t think it means what you think it means.

  4. This all sounds fair and reasonable, but I would add a few more clauses:

    1. Such a person should not be allowed to vote.

    2. Full time learning in a recognized yeshivah counts as military service. Such yeshivos shall operate under the auspices of the IDF, their roshei yeshivah shall have the rank of IDF officers, and learning shall be under military discipline. Come late to seder, go to the brig. Those who are not performing, or are not suitable to this kind of service, shall be transferred to other units to do service more suited to their aptitudes.

    3. There shall be no exemptions whatsoever. Anyone who is not suited for normal service shall be assigned to a tehillim-zogger brigade, and his military duty shall be to say tehillim all day, under military discipline.

    4. With all these conditions in place, conscription shall be abolished; anyone who wishes to opt out of service, in return for not receiving any of these benefits, including the vote, shall be entitled to do so.

  5. Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, and many other countries require young, able men to serve in the military for some time. If those countries denied special exemptions for Bnei Torah, I don’t think most readers would be upset. Nu, so Lieberman thinks we should be like other countries. And kal vachomer at a time when we need the vast majority of young, able men to serve in order to protect lives. Maybe it was a big mistake to create a state 75 years ago, but at this point in time maintaining a strong army is without question an issue of sakanas nefashose. If a large part of the population says, no, not only our masmidim, but even our biggest shleppers and batlanim won’t serve, well, I can see what someone would suggest creative ways to deal with this real problem.

  6. the yeshivas are our life blood. try to enlist yeshiva students? Jewish life here will go down drastically. the bene Torah and extended families will up and go elsewhere where we are freer to continue learning without government interference.
    Not so different from the times of haman , stalin, and antiochus..
    Army service and Yeshiva life, cannot combine. will never happen. wherever the center of Torah is, that is where our heart will lead us. Once it was Vilna and Pressburg, once it was babylonia, and many other places, but when times crushed the Torah , we moved on.

  7. @emetsealofhashem. Firstly learn how to spell. You should also not drag in other Yidden to this terrible situation, there is nothing to gain, it is nothing but Sinas Chinom.

  8. Liberman is so very anti jewish and the only thing that he has that resembles being a Jew is his schm@ck and that is why he is such a rabid antisemitic schm@ck.

  9. יש לעגן בהסכמים קואליציוניים ובחקיקה, שכל תמיכה כספית ציבורית ללומדי התורה בישיבות ובכוללים שתורתם אומנותם, תהיה בהתאם להסכם יששכר/זבולון, כך שזכות לימוד התורה ייחלק שווה בשווה בין הלומדים וציבור משלמי המיסים.

    לתשומת ליבם לפוליטיקיאים וחברי הכנסת המחוקקים.

  10. apdsvys, writing ym”s after the name of a Jew gives you immediate admission to geihinnom. An asbestos suit will not help.

  11. Why are you riled up by what he is saying???

    This man is a logical individual, even if you don’t agree with his ideas.

    He sees a group of society that wants to enjoy the land and partake in all its benefits yet don’t want to contribute what everyone else is giving. All he is asking is to give 3 years to Eretz Yisroel, just like every other Yid does. If you don’t want to be in a combat position, you can be a teacher or a mashgiach.

    Why is this concept so hard for many of you to grasp???

    Why do you feel entitled to live in this land and not chip in your fair share?
    And just because you don’t want to participate, doesn’t make everyone else a Rasha……

    Shame on the self righteous who do little למען השם ותורתו

  12. In the Chumash, all men between 20 and 50 had to go to the army. There were a very limited number of exceptions.

  13. It must be anchored in coalition agreements and legislation, that any public financial support for Torah learners in yeshiva and kollels whose Torah is their art, will be in accordance with the Issachar/Zebulon agreement, so that the right to learn Torah will be shared equally between the learners and the tax paying public.

    For the attention of politicians and members of the legislative Knesset

  14. Lieberman knows he doesn’t have the votes to pass this ugly bill, he’s just trying to get attention because he doesn’t like what the polls have been showing lately for his party. He’s a clown who represents a small minority of Israelis, and his antics aren’t worth paying attention to, let alone losing sleep over.

  15. They would look silly, and run into problems under Israeli law, if they treated Jews who refuse to serve in the army worse than they treat goyim or secular Jews who refuse to serve in the army.

    Of course, they have the option of tying benefits to army service, but that would mean than non-hareidim who refuse to serve in the army would be punished and most of the anti-frum hilonim have many friends (or they themselves) refusing to serve in the army for a variety of reasons. It should be noted that most countries rely on incentives to get people to join the army, rather than use coercion.

    Given that Israel is in a war, and doing less than well, and if the war goes poorly the Medinah will be replaced by a Judenrein Palestinian state, this might not be a good time for the ultra-hilonim to try to purge the hareidim.

    While some suggest that the definition of “hareidi” is based on refusing to serve in the army (which has the problem of many people who are clearly non-hareidi also refuse to serve in the army), I suggest a better definition is whether one holds that one is hareidi if holds that halacha takes priority over the laws enacted by the Kenesset and/or the Israeli Supreme Court, then hareidim are close to a majority and that most hareidim do serve in the army (often in spite of the secular government), and that the hiloni fanatics should start focusing on preserving their own rights as a cultural and religious minority, rather than fighting the hareidim.

  16. Dr yidd you are 100percent wrong the ramban writes tzidukim yms and Lieberman is atleast as bad .and lapid and all these reshaim

  17. If the army was there to protect yidden and operated under halocho, we could begin to have a conversation.

    Also participation in the army is only shayyach if chareidim would be allowed replace all of the mushchos degenerates who call themselves generals when they advance high enough in rank to qualify to do so.

    But as the rz experience in the army shows, anyone not part of the click is essentially used as Cannon fodder and play things for the mushchos degenerate generals.

    Also, the army still has zero interest in protecting the country as shown by oct. 7.

    It’s only purpose in drafting frum people is to either kill them or shmad them.

    So thank you, but we’ll pass.

    When you degenerates clean up your act, come and talk to us.

  18. Lieberman like all שונא ישראל, especially our own,, deserve to get you know what. I’ll let you imagination tell you what I’m thinking about

    It’s the moronic leftists of the government that are the cause for a lot of the issues in EY because of their hatred to people who learn Torah. There’s such an underground of, I would call it black market, but that’s not the correct word, that it’s amazing. What he’s doing is he’s going after the people that spend money in the country to help increase the tax revenue etc. You want it to go under the table been more? Everything could be שטילערהייט and things will be much better for the yiddin.

  19. Hard to believe that so many of the commentators are vile and hateful towards אחינו בני ישראל.
    Don’t you understand that Am Yisroel needs an army???
    We are living in dangerous times and אין סומכין על הנס….

    When will you people realize that the army can’t do it without the people….

    B”H the frum oilam is growing and it requires that we all step up to the plate and share the responsibility. Why is this so hard???

    I need to tell you that the hate emanating from certain parts of the “Charedi” community is abhorrent. Vile and disgusting.

  20. Moshe:
    He is not logical; he is an evil ferd.

    The Zionists invaded the land a century ago against the wishes of the chareidim. The Zionists made a deal that the chareidim would be exempt, in exchange for which Agudah did not protest against the Zionist Big Lie that their “State” is Jewish when, in truth, it is Zionist and anti-Jewish, not Jewish.

    “All he is asking is to give 3 years to Eretz Yisroel, just like every other Yid does.” First of all, it’s for the Zionist “State”, not for E”Y. Second, it’s not “all he’s asking”. The Zionist army is the indoctrination/brainwashing powerhouse of Zionist shmad. If you don’t understand every word of that, then you cannot possibly grasp the enormity of this issue for the Jews.

  21. Hakatan,
    Like your name, you are small minded. Shame on you for falsely spreading Sinas Chinom. You are a vile vicious anti semite. You words are no better than the evil coming out of Theran. Shame on you.

    יתמו חטאים ולא חוטאים

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