“SAME TERRORISTS:” Restaurant Owner On Break From Gaza Neutralized Eli Terrorist

Aviad Gezbar, the owner of Chummus Eliyahu at the gas station in Eli, was on a break from reserve duty in Khan Younis, when he again found himself facing a terrorist – this time in his own restaurant in Eli.

“I heard shots and I realized right away it was a terror attack,” he said. ” I shot in the air so the terrorist would realize I was there. I saw that he noticed me and he began to approach me. I opened fire and neutralized him.”

In the video below, Gezbar says: “I was zocheh to leave [safely] from Khan Younis for a break and come to my chummus place. The same terrorists that are in Gaza are here – they want to kill us in every location. We need to stop this kid-glove approach and take action.”

IDF forces at the scene of the attack. (IDF)
IDF forces at the scene of the attack. (IDF)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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