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IDF Strikes Hamas Targets in Gaza, Including Command Center and Rocket Launcher

The IDF says it carried out a series of strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza yesterday, including a command center and a rocket launcher used to carry out a rocket attack on southern Israel. According to the IDF, the strikes were carried out several hours after rocket fire on Kissufim and Re’im.

The Israeli Air Force struck several Hamas targets in central Gaza, including an apartment used as a command center to carry out the rocket fire and another apartment from which Hamas gunmen opened fire at troops. The IDF also struck a rocket launcher used in the attack.

Meanwhile, the IDF says it is continuing a large-scale operation in Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighborhood, during which the 401st Armored Brigade is raiding Hamas sites and killing gunmen, including by calling in airstrikes. The IDF says troops operating in Zeitoun located a weapons depot, a weapons manufacturing plant, rocket launchers, and unspecified “systems” used by Hamas against forces in Gaza. Amid the operation, the IDF says, the troops also located a tunnel shaft where several Hamas gunmen were hiding. “The troops destroyed the shaft and eliminated the terrorists,” the IDF said.

In central Gaza, the IDF says the Nachal Brigade killed several more Hamas operatives and raided sites used by the terror group, locating weapons. Combat engineers operating with Nahal destroyed dozens of military buildings used by Hamas.

Meanwhile, in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis, the IDF says soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade and 7th Armored Brigade captured several Hamas operatives who attempted to flee the area along with evacuating civilians. Troops of the two brigades also killed several Hamas gunmen in Khan Younis, the IDF says.

The Givati Brigade, meanwhile, operated in eastern Khan Younis to clear the area of Hamas infrastructure, including in areas close to Israeli border communities, the IDF says.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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