TENSION WITH US GROWS: Israeli Gov’t Unanimously Rejects Imposition Of Palestinian State

Prime Minister Netanyahu. (GPO)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday sharpened his tone against the Biden administration, which reportedly is “rushing to complete a plan” for a Palestinian state and brought a statement to the Cabinet meeting for approval categorically rejecting the imposition of a Palestinian state by foreign countries.

Netanyahu said at the Cainbet meeting: “In light of the recent talk in the international community about an attempt to unilaterally impose a Palestinian state on Israel, today I am bringing a declaratory decision on this issue for the government’s approval. I am sure that it will receive very broad approval.”

The prime minister then read the statement:

“Israel utterly rejects international diktats regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians. A settlement, if it is to be reached, will come about solely through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.”

“Israel will continue to oppose unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition in the wake of the October 7th massacre would be a massive and unprecedented reward to terrorism and would prevent any future peace settlement.”

The members of the Cabinet unanimously approved the declaration.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The attached video has utterly nothing to do with the article…but I’ll gladly let the public know what it’s about:
    In short, Netanyahu says to the journalists attending the press conference, prior to its end, more or less as follows:
    I’ll answer any questions you might have for me gladly, but please answer me yourself in all honesty – there are tens of millions of dollar’s worth of ads promoting opposition and division – as journalists, have you done any work to try and get to the bottom of the source for these funds? I’m not talking about the organization behind it, as I’m sure that it’s a puppet (lit. straw) organization; I’m talking about the individuals behind it. I’m certain, for example, that if there were tens of millions of dollars of ads publicized all over the Ayalon etc. promoting favor towards me, the PM, then you would immediately find out who is behind it and make it known to the public, so have you been doing the same for the opposition?

  2. Biden needs to keep his party in line, and at least a third of Democrats support Hamas and favor genocide of Jews. He needs to get something to persuade them to vote for him in November. Other than finding a way to make peace with the Palestinians (highly unlikely given the evidence that the Palestinians’ demand is an Eretz Yisrael that is Judenrein), there isn’t much Israel can do about it.

    To survive, the Zionists need to see to it that the Medinah is self-sufficient, which probably would result in a return to a standard of living similar to the 1950s in order to put all resources into become self-sufficient , and it isn’t clear if the population would make such sacrifices.

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