Israel: Air Force Relocates Two Squadrons from Ben-Gurion Airport

Perhaps for residents of the areas around Ben-Gurion International Airport, the noise emanating from the nation’s only commercial international airport may be a bit lower than they have known in the past since the Israel Air Force has moved two squadrons to another location in the south. The planes, 707s (Ra’am) and Hercules transports (Karnaf) have been relocated, to the Nevatim Base.

While the 707s have been upgraded during recent years, their engines are old and they do not comply with current noise standards, rated 30% higher than passenger jets. Officials admit that when these planes landed at night, for many Bat Yam and Cholon residents, their night’s sleep was interrupted.

In addition to lowering area noise pollution levels, the new base will contribute to reducing air traffic congestion in the airport area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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