Senior Jerusalem Police Commander Visit the Head of the Eida Chareidis

gavad.jpgIn an apparent effort to cool the situation regarding recent arrests of members of the Vaad Tznius, senior Jerusalem district police officials on Thursday night paid a visit to HaGaon Rav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita, hoping a dialogue might serve to lower the tensions in the area.

Earlier on Thursday, a number of police vehicles were seen on Yoel Street, near the Satmar beis medresh, sparking another protest during which one person was arrested on suspicion of setting a garbage receptacle ablaze. A police vehicle was overturned as well.

During the meeting, Rav Weiss asked that police release suspects in custody but police refused to release persons arrested for their violent acts in their capacity as members of the Vaad Tznius.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

22 Responses

  1. What a diapoointment that the gedolim are being held hostage and cannot speak their minds and guide according to the real derech Torah. I am a black hat charadei but am becoming more and more disenchanted with our so called leadership. We are live in a generation of close minded askanim who mislead and misinform the Gedolei Yisroel. These askanim for the most part are murdering people and destroying Klal Yisroel. Because of these goons I can no longer believe anything whether verbal or written in the name of the Gedolim. They have caused the erosion of respect, especially by the younger generation for the Gedolei Yisroel. I found it very hard to respect these people.
    These Taliban charadi have caused more chilul Hashem and caused more people to go away from Yiddishkiet than all chilonim put together. Nowadays we are living in an open society, we do not chas veshalom have to be like them but we have learn to deal with it, not just withdraw in to our uneducated and poverty stricken ghettos.

  2. Calm down, you hotheads, and think a little bit.

    These reports of “violent” activity” come from secular sources, who hate Hareidim and their values. They are probably gratly exaggerated, and, perhaps fabricated.

    The Hareidim in Israel are constantly under attack by a secular government that would like nothing better than to exterminate them, if they could.

    Hareidim survive by vigorously defending themselves, and by the constant distractions from Arab attacks on Israel.

    As anyone who has lived in Israel will tell you, Hareidim must resort to demonstrations to keep the polioe from mutilating the dead.

    Frankly, given the choice of believing the media or believing Rav Weiss, SHLIT”A, I’ll take Rav Weiss!

  3. It is obvious that deepthinker does not live in a charadei town in Israel as he is so misinformed. Trying living in such a place like I do and see what goes on. Your comments are as deep as the shallow end of a swimming pool.

  4. YeshivaRodefKesef,

    The Ran in Nedarim writes that dina dmalchusa dina stems from the fact that the Melech can expel his people from his land. It’s basically a tax of living in the country. Thus, the Ran writes his famous shitah, that since all Jews are entitled to live in Eretz Yisroel, there is no dina dmalchusa there.

  5. #17:
    Most Poskim (starting with the Ran and Tosfos) are in agreement that “Dina d’malchusa dina” doesn’t apply in Eretz Yisroel. And it doesn’t apply to a malchus shel risha’a.

    Nothing happened to diracheha darchei noam. What it means is that the Torah is “understanding”, and that the mitzvos and specific dinim are laid down in a way that they aren’t too difficult to carry out (as the torah and chazal see fit). But those who transgress the torah are in for serious punishment both in this world and in the next (also as the Torah sees fit). Not a stira. There are also responsibilities on community leaders of maintaining law and order. The rambam and others specify guidelines in these areas. I’m not saying that the manner in which these “law enforcement officials” act are necessarily within these guidelines – that’s for our leaders to decide. But to attack any form of “din” as being opposed to “diracheha…” is dangerous and unlawful.

  6. Dear ploiderer1
    please explain why i am a disgrace to my black hat. I work in a yeshiva with bochurim and the comments that I weote are told to me over and ovwer again. If you were a little more opened minded you will see that most normal people are beginning to think this way.

  7. “As anyone who has lived in Israel will tell you, Hareidim must resort to demonstrations to keep the polioe from mutilating the dead.

    Frankly, given the choice of believing the media or believing Rav Weiss, SHLIT”A, I’ll take Rav Weiss! ”
    Did Rav Weiss say they are innocent? no he just asked they be set free.
    Anyone that lives in Israel in a charedi
    community is happy to have these people off the streets. they are a mofia. they will resort to violence and nasty things, most chardim can’t stand them but are afraid of speaking out against them becasue those who have had been hurt physically and threats made against thier families.
    Rexford- I could have written what you wrote myself! I have a feeling we live in the same shcuna.
    Last year a tzedaka flyer was in my mailbox with Rav elyashiv’s picture and signature. Something seemed funny to me and I asked my neighboor who learns with Rav Elyashiv once a week to check it out. It was a lie!!! He knew nothing of it. I have read tznius proclmations and called the Rebbitzen of one of the signed rabbonim to find out again it’s a lie- he read it and didn’t agree with and didn’t sign it! I could go on and on but I don’t think anyone wants (or is going to) read it.

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