1,000s Meet Protest Boats at Gaza Shore

Israel on Shabbos decided to permit two protest boats to dock in Gaza after determining the vessels did not pose a threat. The two vessels endured stormy seas until docking in Gaza.

The two boats set sail from Cyprus on Friday, carrying 44 self-acclaimed peace activists, who wish to send a message to Israel to end the embargo on Gaza. One of the members of the group, Jeff Harper, an Israeli, was quoted as saying, “It is amazing. 1.5 million people are cut off from the world and they then get a message to the entire world because of our two boats.”

Harper told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that they are working to end the embargo and the entire “occupation”. He added “We have not arrived empty handed. We brought 200 hearing aids for children who have lost their hearing as a result of Israeli bombing raids in Gaza.”

Harper went on to explain they plan to remain in Gaza for a number of days, engaged in humanitarian efforts.

Among the boat’s passengers, from 17 countries, was an 81-year-old family member of Quarter Mideast envoy Tony Blair. Heidi Epstein, an 84-year-old Holocaust survivor, Harper explained was planning to take part but health problems made her participation an impossibility.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Israel should now sink every boat in the Gaza harbor and prohibit these “activists” from leaving via the sea or passing into Israel.

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