Israeli Arabs Call to End “Israeli Occupation of Yerushalayim”

hb2.jpgTens of thousands attended a Friday night rally held in the Israeli Arab municipality of Um el-Fahm, seeking to raise funds for al-Aqsa Mosque located on Har HaBayis.

The rally was held under the banner “al-Aqsa is in Danger,” and speakers, including the Israel Islamic Association’s Northern Branch leader Sheikh Ra’id Salah called on the Arab world to fight to bring an end to the “Israel occupation of Yerushalayim”.

Ra’id stated confidently that one day, the rally will not be held in Um el-Fahm, but in Yerushalayim, when the occupation has ended.

“I say to the Israeli occupation, and those representing it, to Olmert, Peres and Barak, after 40 years of occupation of the al-Aqsa Mosque and digging and building shuls under the mosque, building a museum, I tell you that the occupation will be ousted…” he exclaimed.

Seeking to promote unity within the PA, he called upon PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah to renew dialogue, stating such a step would be a gift to every Muslim ahead of the month of Ramadan.

Um el-Fahm Mayor Hasham Abed al-Rahman also addressed the crowd, calling for an end to occupation of Arab countries including “Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.”

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa sent a telegram, which was read aloud to the participants, in which he expressed the sadness over the “occupation of al-Aqsa,” calling on the Arab media to focus on events taking place regarding the mosque and Jerusalem.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. #2
    can u explain to me what this has to do with rabbi tendler?

    these kinds of protests have been going on long before rabbi tendler ascended the har habayis!
    i think your comments are lashon hora and motzi shem ra and if your’e really a bubby, you should know better.

    p.s. throwing around terms like ‘rodef’ and ‘moser’ is a dangerous thing, just ask a guy named rabin, vedal.

  2. How about agreeing that there are TWO sides to the coin? Since when has Torah become a dictatorhsip— don’t rabbanim come up with different psak on questions?

  3. That’s the least of what they want. I say who cares what they say. The problem with free speech in Israel is that the dissenters really mean to be destructive and not just make a name for themselves.

    Please stop turning against each other on the postings. The arabs are more united. Even the “moderates” are not vocal against their insane killers. The arabs do-not-belong in Israel in any way, shape, or form, and Jews should not have to watch what they say or do for the sake of irritating arabs. If these arabs are Israeli citizens, then they should accept Israeli authority.

    There are too many arab/muslim countries, too many “Xtian” -based countries, and only one Jewish state. Just one! Dissenters must get out of Israel.

  4. Didn’t anyone hear Rabbi Moshe Tendler’s announcement that he plans to visit Al Aqsa Mosque? Or am I the only one who keeps up with the Jewish news?

  5. HaRav Meir Kahane HY’D the FIRST VICTIM of al queda (check the trial transcripts, and the 9-11 commission report, warned that the the biggest problem isnt arafat (or hamas, or asha”f), but the arabs in um-al-faham. and was promptly rearrested.

    Rav Moshe Tendler, was one of the maspisdim at the levaya of HaRav Kahane z”l, and pointed out the teshuvot his father in law wrote to rav kahane, regarding (orach chayim) sha’ylot in his (one time) shul.

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