Mehadrin Eruv Damaged in Yerushalayim

eruv.jpgThe mehadrin eruv running in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Kiryat Menachem and Kiryat Yovel was damaged last Shabbos. Rabbonim visited the areas to see the damage after Shabbos, and they were pained to see poles were knocked down and the eruv cord cut in a number of areas. This was not the first attack against a mehadrin eruv in Yerushalayim.

Rabbonim questioned the act, explaining the mehadrin eruv does not offend anyone, and most residents are unaware of its presence, but apparently, there are some who chose to tear it down in an act of defiance against the area’s growing chareidi population.

The rabbonim also point out that the regular Yerushalayim eruv encompasses the areas targeted in the attack, so the residents were indeed covered on Shabbos, but the chareidi public does prefer a more mehudar eruv in their neighborhood.

MK (UTJ) Rabbi Yaakov Litzman has been in touch with police, telling senior commanders the chareidi public does not plan to sit by and permit such attacks, demanding police take the necessary action to prevent such attacks in the future.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Read the previous posts about the Israeli Arabs calling upon the ending of the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem. Then everyone can deduce who was behind this.

  2. The ‘mehadrin Eruv’ does not offend anyone?…How presumptuous…NO eruv is muttar…it allows for women to come to shul with their little children, and is mevazeh shabbos kodesh.

  3. There are times when charedim move into a neighborhood and have to let do with what is there, if the community eruv was OK, so let it be and then start establishing relationships, friendships, etc with neighbors first.

  4. Moshe Mulva, sarcasm doesn’t work very well on the ‘net. If you want people to understand that you’re being sarcastic, you have to be completely over the top. Your comment from 10:30am is not sufficiently absurd.

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