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H”YD: IDF Reservist Dies Of Gazan Fungal Infection After Drug Rushed To Israel

Chanan Drori, H’yd, a reserve soldier who was seriously injured in Gaza in December by an RPG and contracted a dangerous fungal infection, passed away on Wednesday morning at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.

Chanan, 26, z’l, who was about to get engaged, left behind his parents and three brothers. He was a resident of the yishuv of Psagot in Binyamin.

His death increases the death toll of soldiers killed in Gaza to 227.

An experimental antifungal drug obtained from Ireland with the help of the Pfizer company was rushed to Israel, arriving on Sunday, but sadly it was too late to save him.

Binyamin Ganz, the head of the Binyamin Regional Council, said: “I knew Chanan as a dear neighbor. We lost a charming young man who had a good heart and a sense of humor – a brilliant man. We embrace the whole family and his dear parents Tali and Roni. We’ll daven that he be a meilitz yosher for us.”

Chanan, z’l, was the second IDF soldier to die of a fungal infection contracted in Gaza. A soldier passed away in December after he was injured in Gaza and contracted the fungus. At the time, about a dozen additional IDF soldiers were diagnosed with the fungus but Baruch Hashem recovered.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. These innocent clueless reservists are offering their lives for nothing.
    Bibi is responsible for every oz of blood. He and his cohorts are nothing short of MURDERERS.

  2. Miriam,

    IF they do eradicate Hamas and remove the threat, then their lives were certainly not lost for nothing. War has a steep price and is not always good news. Big question is – will they achieve their goals. It would be nice if the US would bug off and stop with the pressure as well. No question that world pressure, specifically by the US, has and is putting many Israeli lives in greater danger. Earlier in the war, alot more airpower was used and ground troops were not put in as risky of positions. Yes; that may have resulted in more Pally animals dying. They are ALL our enemy though. A ruthless bloodthirsty enemy that respects no law or morals.

  3. May this fungus reach all the reshaim, wherever they may be hiding…
    Hashem has many ways to destroy Hamas without even one soldier dying.
    At this time, until we merit that, we have no choice but to fight them…
    הבא להורגך השכם להורגו

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