Ben-Gvir To WSJ: “If Trump Was In Power, US Support Would Be Completely Different”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir told the Wall Street Journal that he thinks the Biden administration is “hampering Israel’s war effort” and that Donald Trump “would give Israel a freer hand to quash Hamas.”

The WSJ article, published on Sunday, was Ben-Gvir’s first interview with a foreign media outlet since joining the government.

“Instead of giving us his full backing, Biden is busy with giving humanitarian aid and fuel [to Gaza], which goes to Hamas,” Ben-Gvir said. “If Trump was in power, the U.S. conduct would be completely different.”

Ben-Gvir said that his plan is to “encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate to places around the world” by offering them cash incentives, saying that it is “the real humanitarian” thing to do.

Following the publication of the interview, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded by saying: “I don’t need help to navigate our relations with the US.”

Speaking at a Cabinet meeting at the Kiryah in Tel Aviv on Sunday morning, Netanyahu said: “Israel is a sovereign country. We greatly appreciate the support we received from the Biden administration since the outbreak of the war: support for arms, for international institutions, for sending troops to the region, and more. This does not mean that we don’t have differences of opinion, but until today we have managed to overcome them with determined and considered decisions.”

“I want to share something from my experience: there are those who say ‘yes’ to everything at times when they should say ‘no’. They receive applause from the international community but endanger our national security. And there are those who say ‘no’ to everything and receive applause at home but jeopardize our national security. I would like to tell you something from my experience: the wisdom is to know how to navigate – to say ‘yes’ when possible, and to say ‘no’ when necessary.”

“I don’t need help to navigate our relations with the US and the international community while standing firm on our national interests. Baruch Hashem, I’ve been doing it for several years. As a sovereign country fighting for its existence and future, we make our own decisions, even in those cases where there is no agreement with our American friends.”

Minister Benny Gantz and opposition leader Yair Lapid slammed Ben-Gvir for his statements. “The interview Ben-Gvir gave to the Wall Street Journal causes direct harm to Israel’s international standing, direct harm to the war effort, damages Israel’s security of Israel, and mainly proves that he doesn’t understand anything in foreign policy” Lapid stated. “But Netanyahu has no control over the extremists in his government.”

Gantz stated that “disputes are permissible, even with our biggest and most important ally, but they must be held in relevant forums and not via irresponsible comments to the media, which harm the strategic interests of the State of Israel, the security of the country and the war efforts at this time.”

“The prime minister should call the national security minister to order, who instead of dealing with domestic security issues is causing enormous damage to Israel’s foreign relations.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Comes to show that not only is he a true Zionist that has no clue how Jews should act in golus, he is a complete fool, and his lust for a few minutes of attention would lead him to do anything,
    Notwithstanding the consequences it may have on the security of millions of Jews (which definitely fits with his Zionist agenda, being that carelessness about Jewish lives has always been a hallmark of the Zionist movement).

  2. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded by saying: “I don’t need help to navigate our relations with the US. So wrong Bibi!! Ben Gvir so correct & on the ball, and hopefully BE’H by this time next year:-
    1) All Hostages freed & alive {BE’H already still during this month of שבט}
    2) President Donald Trump שליט”א the 47th President of the United States of America
    3) איתמר ben Gvir Prime Minister of Israel

  3. Ben Gvir is mad that his violent settler buddies got sanctioned by Biden. Hopefully Biden sanctions him as well. Ben Gvir is a failure who failed in his duty to protect Israeli civilians on 10/6. Instead of expressing remorse he shoots off his big mouth and parties in Binyanei Haumah while hostages languish in Gaza. Israel needs American weapons and diplomatic support. Ben Gvir endangers that abd he must be rejected

  4. Sure.
    And u wld endanger Jews even more.
    Ben Gvir is a sociopath. A warmonger who doesn’t give a sh.. for life. Hes out for blood. Safe to say he’s responsible for October massacre.
    Hes a threat to Yidden and is a true רודף.

  5. Ah Miriam Miriam, you are so consistent with your comments. What ever pains our Father in heaven, you espouse.
    You must be in a lot if pain to have so much hate for אחינו בני ישראל.

  6. I think he’s right. No harm here going with the simple truth. Biden’s approval rating doesn’t depend on the masses in those Hamas supporting rallies (full of over-stayed visas from the middle-east, and they’re anyway in deep-blue states), it’s actually very low, and American’s deserve to know the truth.

  7. I really don’t appreciate and don’t understand people who call anyone who disagrees with them “רודף” and a danger etc. His opinion is one of many who feel letting out hundreds of terrorists IS רדיפה. Last time it was done we got Yihyeh Sinwar out, and over 500 Yidden were killed by those who were freed in the Shalit deal… He’s the only one reminding everyone about this. He definitely entitled to his opinion, and you don’t have to call him names just because his Kipah isn’t black…

  8. CrazyKanoiy and Miriam

    It seems they both come from a certain place in the US (won’t mention it) where they train them to become BIG Kanoyim – it’s pathetic!

    Ben Gvir is just saying the obvious but if one has an agenda or is brainwashed no truth can overcome it.

  9. “America First” means the US will let Israel do what it wants, denounce Arab genocide of Jews, but probably won’t be able to send weapons. It will be as helpful as when the United States denounced German genocide of Jews, and did nothing to help.

    The US turning control of the world to the Russians and Chinese (and their Iranian allied) will doom Israel.

  10. The tragicomedy is the ignorance towards BenGvir. He has no regard to humanity. His ascending the TempleMount brought upon violence and bloodshed. All u idiotic Zionists still defend the indefensible. Hes a רשע מרושע.
    We care about Jews. YES! We love Jews. No שנאה to anyone but to people that endanger
    our lives. You people are blind sheep walking in a destructive path.
    No NK affiliation. Just a Jew crying for all the senseless bloodshed w no end in sight.

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