HaRav Mutzafi: “We Need Extra Protection During Shovavim, Especially During A Leap Year”

HaGaon HaRav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi on Wednesday warned that we need extra shemirah during the days of shovavim, and called for extra caution during these days, especially in heeding traffic laws.

The issue was brought up in a question by one of HaRav Mutzafi’s talmidim: “Unfortunately, tonight, a young man was injured on Golda Meir Street and his condition is very serious. What should we do?”

The Rav responded: “People forget that these are the days of shovavim and we need shemirah and must be more cautious than the rest of the year. That’s why our Rabbanin taught us to be more careful during these days, more so than the rest of the year, and especially during a leap year, as is known to those who learn Toras Nistar [Kabbalah].”

“That’s why Kollelim should focus on being mechazeik in Shemiras HaLashon and guarding our mouths – not via fasts but by maintaining complete silence during limmud. Unfortunately, this is not the case and there’s no one to give us mussar [‘אין לנו מוכיח בשער’].”

Regarding those who are who make light of traffic laws, HaRav Mutzafi wrote: “We must strongly protest on the terrible neglect of traffic laws. Shockingly, some drivers don’t heed traffic lights as if pedestrians are deserving of death, chas v’shalom, and as if they’re unaware that there’s an halacha in the Shulchan Orech Choshen Mishpat to enact road regulations.”

“You should know that it’s not in the hands of Shamayim [if someone drives recklessly]. A person has bechirah and he chooses to disregard traffic laws.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. קשוט עצמך אחר כך קשוט אחרים
    Unfortunately I saw many clips where Rabbi mutsafi openly in front of a crowd while he was giving a drosha made fun of Ashkenazi rabbis and how Ashkenazi people pray he made fun of their dialect etc this is a blatant violation of loshon hora according to chazal one that makes fun of other people loses all his mitzvous and they go over to the person that he made fun of therefore his real tikun would be to openly admit and do teshuvah and ask for forgiveness from the people that he offended and laughed at and made fun of there is something grossly wrong with his character.

  2. By the time you approve the comment the article gets wiped off if you’re giving the reader an opportunity to post a comment it should be posted ASAP

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