IDF Opens Bir Naballah Checkpoint to Arab Motorists

As the Government of Israel continues its implementation of good-will and reducing restrictions policies on PA (Palestinian Authority) residents, the military was instructed to open the Bir Naballah Checkpoint to PA motorists.

The move marks the third IDF checkpoint removed in August, with this one situated south of PA-controlled Ramallah, not far from Jerusalem’s northern border near the Atarot Industrial Park. Israel continues to relax security on PA motorists, but is receiving nothing in return from PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

IDF soldier Nachshon Wachsman was murdered by terrorists in Bir Naballah in October 1994. IDF Sayeret Matkal Captain Nir Poraz fell in the line of duty during a failed rescue attempt in the village.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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