WATCH: New Dramatic Footage Of Jenin Hospital Eliminations

New footage of the targeted assassinations of three terrorists by Israeli security operatives in a Jenin hospital on Tuesday morning was published on Wednesday by Al Jazeera.

The footage shows four undercover Israeli operatives entering the hospital disguised as a Palestinian family, with three family members, one woman and two men, hovering over a “patient” in a wheelchair.

When the operatives get to the end of the corridor, the footage shows them pulling out their guns, including the “patient” who has a miraculous recovery and suddenly gets up from his wheelchair, throwing his blanket on the floor. Several other operatives, one disguised as an elderly Palestinian man, follow after them with drawn guns.

Then the footage shows about eight Israeli operatives with drawn guns on their way back following the eliminations. According to prior reports, the operation only took about ten minutes.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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