Israel: New Pharm Stores to Close on Shabbos

Israel’s New Pharm pharmacy chain, which has 18 stores nationwide, is planning to close all the branches by Yom Kippur.

To date, about one-third of the stores have been closing on Shabbos, as per the decision of the new CEO, Rami Shavit. Shavit, who is not Shomer Mitzvos, announced at a press conference earlier in the week that while he personally is not religious, he believes in Hashem and feels there will not be any bracha from opening stores on Shabbos. He went on to explain that while he is aware the religious public, which represents a respectable client base, will be pleased with the policy decision, the move was his alone and he was not pressured by rabbis or any organization to close the stores on Shabbos.

In response, rabbonim have responded, telling Shavit they are confident the Shomer Shabbos community will make an effort to support his stores as a result.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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