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TEHILIM ALERT – Rav Machpud Shlita Hospitalized; Reported in Serious Condition

tehillim2.jpgEretz Yisroel – Rav Shlomo Machpud Shlita, Av Beis Din Yoreh Deah, was hospitalized on Thursday, reportedly in stable/serious condition after suffering a stroke, Kol Chai Radio reports.

Rav Machpud, who heads the Yoreh Deah kashrus agency, was hospitalized in Rome. Apparently, he was on an El Al flight heading home on a connecting flight that left Spain when the flight made an unscheduled landing to treat his condition.

Another report states he arrived in hospital conscious and is being treated for high blood pressure.

The public is requested to daven for Shlomo ben Chamama.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. May he have a rfua shelaima.

    YW Editor –
    Please make the tehilim .jpg just a little bigger and clearer on the article’s page so one can say the tehilim and have the name of the choleh/cholanis on the same screen.

  2. #3: Click on the image to enlarge it to full size. Also, I think it’s too much to ask the YW Editor to add the name to the enlarged page. After all, it’s not that hard to remember “Shlomo ben Chamama”. Or you can always just go back to the main article after reciting the tehillim, and the name is there.

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