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IDF Airstrike Kills Islamic Jihad Propaganda Chief Wael Abu Fanounah

The IDF and the Shin Bet security agency announced Friday that Wael Abu Fanounah, the deputy head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s propaganda unit, has been killed in an airstrike in the Gaza Strip.

Abu Fanounah played a significant role in the dissemination of the terror group’s content, including videos showcasing rocket attacks on Israel and the creation of propaganda materials featuring hostages, according to both the IDF and Shin Bet.

Abu Fanounah had previously held other high-ranking positions within the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, including serving as the assistant to Khalil Bahtini, the group’s commander in northern Gaza.

Meanwhile, in the central Gaza Strip, IDF reservists from the 179th Brigade discovered a weapons cache within a building following rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks on troops in the area.

In the northern Gaza region, reservists of the 5th Brigade engaged and neutralized several Hamas gunmen during multiple encounters that involved the use of tank shelling and the coordination of airstrikes by the IDF.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. The New York Times is infinitely more dangerous than Islamic Jihad Propaganda Chief Wael Abu Fanounah. Yet nobody in Israel has any plans to do anything about it.

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