WATCH: A Plea To The Secular Israeli Public


A video recently went viral on Israeli social media – a plea for the secular Israeli public to refrain from referring to October 7th as the “Black Shabbat.”

The video states: “A request from the depth of the heart from all media personalities – television, Internet, radio and newspapers. Please stop saying the phrase: ‘The cursed, black Shabbat’ [in referring to the October 7th massacre].”

“Throughout the generations, Jews were moser nefesh for kavod Shabbos and here, we’re cursing and denigrating the Shabbos without realizing. This expression has already been said by all media outlets tens of thousands of times since October 7th. And if it’s said intentionally, it’s terrible – you’ve spoken badly about Shabbos and transformed Shabbos Kodesh into a synonym for a curse.”

“Unfortunately, it’s being said because we lost our feelings for the loftiness of kavod haShabbos. So we feel compelled to protest against this and it’s important to put a halt to this expression, to repair the issue, to clarify and explain. Shabbos is Kodesh Kodshim – a sign and bris between Am Yisrael and the Borei Olam, an enormous gift from Hakadosh Baruch Hu to all of Am Yisrael. I request and plead with you – honor the Shabbos.”

“We not only distanced ourselves from the Torah and kiyum hamitzvos, we’ve become embroiled in harsh conflict, sinas chinam and sinas achim in Am Yisrael. Therefore we reached a situation that the Borei Olam needs to awaken us and save us from ourselves.”

“The media that shapes public opinion and creates our culture will never speak about the purpose of the essence of life and the Divine wisdom. It only occupies all our time with the unimportant things of life – where to buy things, where to eat, where to be seen – wasting our time and squandering our life on nothingness and emptiness. Halavei that one day we’ll be zocheh to understand that the solution to all our problems, troubles, and worries in life lies in repairing the connection between us and HaKodesh Baruch Hu.”

“We forgot that we’re the chosen nation and about our obligations toward the Borei Olam. We lost our way and the hakaras hatov to Whom gave us and our children life and in Whose zechus we’re breathing. And unfortunately,, we haven’t learned anything from history – the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed due to sinas chinam and because we abandoned the Torah. As it says ‘חשבון נפש רוחני לא עשינו ועל החיים שלנו עדיין לא התעוררנו.”

“We also don’t understand the Borei Olam “כי גובהו שמים מארץ כם גבהו דרכי מדרכיכם ומחשבתי ממחשבותיכם נאוה השם.”

“We need to always know that whatever Hashem Yisbarach does is for the good and ‘אין דבר רע יורד מהשמיים.”

“Even when there’s hester panim and even in the darkest hours of the night, there’s always an endless light and goodness that illuminates the entire world with love, chessed and rachamim.”

“Am Yisrael…we already tried everything – we just didn’t think of repairing our connection. And the answer for the rectification of the bridge can be found in this sentence “סוף דבר הכל נשמע את האלוקים ירא ואת מצותיו שמור כי זה כל האדם.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


3 Responses

  1. The tone of this message isnt very good, it speaks in a slightly condensending way, even stating “we reached a situation where the borei oilam needs to awaken us and save us from ourselves”…. rather presumptuous if you ask me to seggust you holy and knowledgeable one is aware of the reason for all this…. in summary this issue is a good one to address, but I wish the author had done a bit off honest cheshbon hanefesh first. What a wasted opportunity!

  2. “A video recently went viral on Israeli social media – a plea for the secular Israeli public to refrain from referring to October 7th as the “Black Shabbat…So we feel compelled to protest against this and it’s important to put a halt to this expression, to repair the issue, to clarify and explain.””

    This is but a small impact of the Zionist shmad, in this case their abusing Lashon HaKodesh and naming the secular day of Saturday as “Shabbat”.

    If the Zionists weren’t all about shmad, and if they would have a secular name for Saturday, then they never would have come up with the expression “Dark Sabbath”. But Zionism is shmad, of course, and part of that shmad is turning Shabbos Kodesh from the holiest day of the week into the “hebrew” name for Saturday. That’s the actual problem; the result of that is the possibility of coming up with “Dark Sabbath”.

    The much bigger offense than calling a Sabbath “Dark”, of course, is the entire Zionist identity theft of Judaism, which includes this latest chilul Hashem.

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