GOOD QUESTION: MK Eichler: “Why Aren’t There Any Bomb Shelters In Meron?”

As Israel’s north continues to suffer daily attacks from the Hezbollah terror organization in southern Lebanon, UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler posed a question to Religious Services Minister Michoel Malkieli (Shas) during a Knesset session.

“Tens of thousands of people visit the Rashbi site in Meron but there are no bomb shelters there, which endangers the mispallelim, especially in the current situation,” Eichler said. “I want to ask – when will mobile bomb shelters be installed there?”

“Your question is justified,” Malkieli responded. “Although the installment of bomb shelters is not within the authority of the Religious Services Ministry, the director-general of the National Center for the Development of the Mekomot Hakedoshim appealed to the Defense Ministry at the beginning of the war and was informed that there’s a shortage due to the situation in the south. Later, he appealed again and has not yet received a response. We will appeal to the Defense Ministry again until bomb shelters are installed.”

MK Eichler added: “In principle, my question is directed at the Defense Minister but I know he is busy during the war so we posed the question to the Religious Services Minister, who is responsible for the Mekomos HaKedoshim. I suggest that the Knesset, together with the Religious Services Ministry and the Defense Ministry, act on the issue. What should not happen is that they close the place. Therefore, we must do everything possible – a bomb shelter system, not just one or two – and also ensure that the red alert sirens operate as needed. This is part of freedom of religion and tefillah, and we must do everything possible to ensure the safety of mispallelim.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. People probably go to Meron in the belief that the zechus of Rebbe Shimon and the other tzaddikim reposing there will protect them more than physical shelters.

  2. People should not be in Meron right now — it’s a few hundred feet away from a big Hizb Allah target and very dangerous.

    por – where was this “zechus” on Lag Beomer 2021?

  3. Some people in Munkatch said that there was no reason to run away from the Nazis because the grave of the Minchas Elazer will protect them. Almost the entire population of 15,000 Jews in Munkatch were killed.

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