Grandson Of Pinsk-Karliner Rebbe Requests: I Want A Regular Chasunah In Every Aspect [VIDEO ROUNDUP]

The wedding of the grandson of the Admor from Pinsk-Karlin was held Sunday at Friedman Estate Hall in Ashdod, and has become a topic of wide discussion due to its unconventionality – it barely resembled a typical wedding seen Rebbishe circles.

The wedding, far from the typical grandiose affair usually seen in the Pinsk-Karlin court and other Chasidic dynasties for grandchildren of the Admor, stood out due to the specific request of the Chosson and Kallah for a more conventional and simple event. The Chosson, Itzik (Yitzchak Menashe) Rosenfeld, is the son of Rav Yosef Tzvi Hakohen Rosenfeld of Beit Shemesh. He has notably diverged from the usual path of “Rebbish Einiklach”, and chose to go to work, though he learns at the well-known ‘Amelim BaTorah’ Kollel in Yerushalayim.

The Chosson made clear ahead of the wedding that he intended to deviate from the established Chasidic minhagim, expressing a desire to celebrate with his friends. He requested that hartzige songs be sung for an unusually long duration of 40 minutes at the chuppah, exceeding even the length typical for Chasidic weddings.

The Pinsk-Karlin Rebbe attended his grandson’s wedding, which was characterized by a more intimate gathering of Chasidim and devoid of the usual pomp. The joy of the occasion was palpable, as seen in videos that circulated widely online.

The Rebbe himself joined the crowd, dancing with the Chosson and his friends to the band’s music, despite the event’s remarkable departure from the norm, in which a Rebbe’s grandson chose to have such a “normal” wedding.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. The real takeaway is , that like many families even rebbish not every kid is traditional etc.. so the chusen wanted his friends…type chasuna and why embarress the family play rebbish when the chusen isn’t and the rebbe very graciously went along with it Lemans heasid Ullman hashalom

  2. It is a modern twist, but i respect honesty. For a yungerman to have the guts to challenge the “regular” zitz un lern, is an accomplishment and needed in the community.

    A Hasidic court chasunah is nice, but this is personal and geshmak. If only the traditional could be this way!

  3. @ccb45
    Is sitting and learning some terrible status quo that ought to be challenged?
    And if one says that he rather work that’s an accomplishment?
    And our community needs more people deciding at 18 that the gemara is too much for them?
    The fact that as a community we can support our youth to sit and learn after getting married for at least a short while is a special gift from Hashem, that was only given to us recently (I don’t claim to know heaven’s reasonings, but perhaps it has to do with the tumah of the outside world that has increased exponentially in recent times) and is definitely sustainable.
    Now if one is truly unfortunate and has a handicap preventing him from taking part in this special thing, so be it, but there is definitely nothing laudable about it.

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