Sheetrit: Israel Mustn’t Attack Iran

achm2.jpg“Israel must not attack Iran, not speak of it and not think of it,” states Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit, who trails in the four man race for the Kadima Party leadership slot.

Sheetrit states Israel must defend itself if attacked, and be prepared to do so, but to speak of an offensive is “megalomania and irresponsible”.

Sheetrit’s statements marks the first time a government minister has come out publicly against an attack intended to halt Iran’s nuclear program.

In a weekend interview in the daily Haaretz, which will appear on Friday, the senior minister comes out strongly against Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who is also a contender in the party leadership race. Mofaz is calling for an Israeli attack against Iran, stating the move is unavoidable since Iran is dangerously close to reaching the ‘point of no return’ regarding Tehran’s nuclear program. (Mofaz is a former defense minister and IDF chief of staff).

Sheetrit is the prime minister’s representative to the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet), Mossad, IDF intelligence and the Israel Atomic Energy Authority, leading one to believe he is ‘in the loop’ regarding Iran’s progress on the nuclear program.

Sheetrit calls statements to attack Iran irresponsible, adding even if one believes this is a necessary move, one should not be saying so in the media.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I actually agree with this mushchis on this particular issue.

    Israel should shut up – and continue planning and rehearsing; then strike the blow when it thinks it’s right.

  2. shazam you must be an absolute genius. Some of the biggest defense commentators who write for Newsmax have been advocating for Israel to perform a pre-emptive strike on Iran. But, you may know better.

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