Polls Show Labor Continues to Decline

According to a “Haaretz-Dialogue” poll, in a three-way election including Kadima, Likud and Labor, the Labor party seems unable to show results at the polls.

In an election with Shaul Mofaz leading Kadima, Likud leads (30), followed by Kadima (22) and Labor (13).

In an election with Tzipi Livni leading Kadima, Likud and Kadima tie with 28 followed by Labor with 12.

Haaretz reports that Mofaz seems to be gaining popularity, but he is not succeeding in narrowing the gap, with Livni maintaining a 13% lead among the 72,500 registered Kadima voters.

Haaretz also reports that Livni is getting very close to obtaining the 40% required to take the first round in the party’s upcoming Sept. 17th election.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. So if the poll is correct (Israeli polls tend to have a left-wing bias, reflecting the agency conducting the poll), the next government will consist of Kadima as the dominant party, Labor as #2, and some mixture of the rest to fill out the government, and far left and Arab parties in effect helping the Kadima-Labor alliance by being unavailable for a Likud-Nationalist-Hareidi alliance.

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