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IDF Uncovers Large Cache Of Mortars In Khan Younis [VIDEOS]

The IDF has shared new video content showcasing the activities of the Kfir Brigade in the southern region of Gaza, specifically in Khan Younis. The brigade’s operations led to the discovery of various military items, including assault rifles, explosive devices, missile warheads, and rockets, all attributed to Hamas and its elite Nukhba unit.

Additionally, the army’s footage reveals a significant find by the soldiers – a substantial stockpile of mortars.

This release of footage comes in the wake of a recent incident involving the Kfir Brigade’s Duchifat Battalion, where Sgt. Roi Tal HY’D, aged 19, tragically lost his life in a firefight with Hamas terrorists within a building in Khan Younis.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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