Missing Seforim Returned to Tzfas Shul

The ancient seforim that disappeared from the Beis Yosef shul in Tzfas recently seem to have found their way back home.

A number of weeks ago it was reported that ancient seforim and manuscripts were stolen from the shul during the night. Officials reported the stolen seforim are irreplaceable, adding they cannot declare the monetary value of the books, since a true appraisal was never done and in fact, they are not replaceable.

On Tuesday, an Arab messenger arrived at the shul named after Rav Yosef Caro ZT”L and he began unloading cartons; apparently unaware of the contents of the boxes, which contained the missing seforim, all undamaged.

Veteran shamash of the shul Rav Eliezer ben Shimon explains that all the books were returned, along with pages that contain decisions of the Tzfas Beis Din of many years ago, valuable documents that easily could have vanished forever.

Police took fingerprints from the cartons but for the shul, it was a happy Tuesday when the books and documents were returned. They are however taking measures, explaining they will no longer rely on miracles and books will be protected, registered with authorities and other measures taken to prevent another incident in the future.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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