A BIT SOON, NO? Iranian President Declares Victory Over “Defeated Zionist Regime”

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has declared that “the Zionist regime and its supporters have been defeated,” according to Iranian news sources. His statement came during a speech commemorating the 100-day mark since the October 7 Hamas attack in southern Israel and the subsequent conflict in Gaza.

In his address at an event named “The Al-Aqsa Flood and the Awakening of the Human Conscience,” Raisi credited Iran for elevating the Palestinian issue to a position of paramount importance in the Islamic world and lauded Iran’s role in leading opposition against Israel.

“The resistance of the Iranian nation has paid off,” Raisi said, adding that “the Palestinians, on their own initiative, upgraded the war from a war with stones to a war with missiles and drones.”

“The resistance against Israel in 2-day, 22-day, 33-day and 100-day wars worked and Palestine is victorious and the Zionist regime and its supporters are defeated,” he said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. World wide support for Hamas, with full knowledge that it engages in mass murder, war crimes and intends to engage in global genocide, is a major victory for the Iranians. The US is giving Israel limited assistance, but Biden is facing massive resistance from within his own party – while the leading opposition candidate (who is so strong that Biden wants to ban him, something that has never happened in the history of American politics, and would transform America into a “former” democracy) supports isolationism (and like it or not, it is America’s involvement that keep evil regimes such as Iran, Russia and China in line).

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