Israel: Family Forgets a Child in Yarden Park

A chareidi family enjoying the ‘ben Hazmanim’ vacation forgot their 3-year-old child in Yarden Park, traveling from there to a Tiveria Hotel on Monday afternoon.

The parents and their five children, residents of the chareidi community of Tel Tzion in the Benjamin Regional Council district in Shomron, forgot the youngest child for reasons that remain unclear.

A passerby noticed the small child crying and stopped to comfort him. He summoned police after he learned the child’s parents left the area without him. The parents realized he was missing about two hours after leaving the park.

The parents came to the police station and identified their son, permitting a happy reunion. The father was questioned by police ‘under warning’ and he/they will likely face criminal charges.

Make sure to visit the YWN Israel News section – click HERE.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. I hear about these stories regardless of they are about Jews and still can not understand how you forget a child be it in a park or a hot car!!

  2. Children frequently get separated from their parents on outing, especially younger children and much more likely in large families. THIS ISN’T NEWS.

    Next thing, you’ll tell us it rains in Eretz Yisrael in the weather, or that the subways in New York are crowded.

  3. B”H everyone is OK without any tragedies. This should be a warning to everyone to keep their family together while on trips.

  4. They only realized “2” hours after leaving the park that they were missing their child??? What drugs were they on? Seriously, what a chillul Hashem. Don’t you belt your small children into their car seat? How could they NOT know he was missing? I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but there is no excuse for such negligence. It boggles the mind. They are unfit parents and child services should closely monitor them from now on.

  5. Thank G-d the child is fine. I will reserve comment on these inexcusable events that occur once too frequently in the community. It takes a lot more than feeding, bathing, providing material goods, and doing all the proper family activities to raise a child properly. Children are not possessions, interact with them and be aware you are with them. How people do otherwise, is beyond me!

  6. having a “large” family is no excuse. (does 5=large?) If you were entrusted with them by Hashem, the least you can do is remember them when you go out! Obviously the parents (and siblings! how could NO ONE realize the kid wasn’t there?) feel terrible, but still…

  7. I hope this will will NEVER happen again! (My grandchildren live in Tel Tzion)Monsey Guy,nice to see your post!
    B”H everyone is OK without any tragedies. This should be a warning to everyone to keep their family together while on trips.

    Comment by monseyguy — August 21, 2008 @ 8:36 am


  8. I bet they remembered their pocketbook and cell phone though. what is going on?! I know we’re busy, but come on people!!!! Wake up!!!

  9. The 2nd possuk in this weeks haftorah says IT IS POSSIBLE for a mother to forget her child (see meforshim) but the Ribono shel Olam will never forget us.
    May we be zoche to Sosson ve simcha yimotze bah, todah vekol zimrah.

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