YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 8/20/08


*Counter-terrorism officials have issued a warning that Hizbullah is trying to strike out and kidnap Israelis anywhere around the world.

*Cleared for release: On Aug. 15th, security forces arrested Idil Fuzi Muhmad at a military checkpoint near Mitzpei Yericho. He is suspected of being a weapons dealer. He was turned over to the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) for interrogation.


*PM Olmert telephoned Israeli Olympic bronze medalist Tzuberi and congratulated him. The conversation was aired live by Israel Reshet Bet Radio.

*The Justice Ministry Police Investigations Unit has launched a probe into the death of a 17-year-old Arab during violent riots in Na’alin about three weeks ago. The investigation follows a request from the B’tselem human rights organization.

*A 25-year-old female and a man in his 70s were killed Wednesday morning when a vehicle transporting others veered out of control running into pedestrians at a bus stop near Bar Ilan Junction.

*America and Poland on Wednesday, after 18 months of talks, closed a deal for an advanced anti-ballistic missile system to be deployed in Poland. The deal was closed despite vehement Russian objections.

*Jordan has released four terrorists responsible for the deaths of two IDF soldiers.

*An infant injured by the deployment of an air bag in a car accident on July 24th died of his injuries in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Wednesday. The infant was a resident of Betar Illit.

*In his latest verbal attack against Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refers to Israel as a “germ of corruption” that will be “removed soon”. The statements appear on Iran’s government website.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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