WATCH: Captured Gazans To IDF: “We Waited For You To Free Us From This Tyranny”

An IDF source reportedly leaked a video to Channel 12 showing a group of stripped and bound Palestinian detainees in northern Gaza blaming Hamas for their plight.

“For 17 years, we’ve lived under tyranny,” one detainee says in the video, referencing Hamas, the governing authority in Gaza. He further explains the rationale behind their decision to stay in their homes during the military campaign: “When you arrived, we remained in our homes because we live in peace and love peace. If we were guilty of something, we would have left our homes and fled, but we live in our homes in peace.”

The man goes on to express a desperate situation faced by his community: “I swear to G-d, we waited for you to free us from this tyranny.” He describes a harrowing scenario of starvation and deprivation: “our children are hungry, our wives are begging on the street for food. Our wives have started eating scraps. Our children have died in front of our eyes due to hunger. There’s no water. I’m sick and I cannot get any medical care.”

As the detainee outlines the dire circumstances, he attributes the cause to the current governance: “You know what the situation is like in Gaza. Everything has turned upside down on us.” When a soldier asks, “Whose fault is that?” the response is unanimous among the detained Palestinians: “Because of Hamas! Because of Hamas!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. When the מדה of “lie” came down to the world, the arabs grabbed it all.

    These liars voted for Hamas. In a recent poll taken of Gazan residents 76% stated they would vote for Hamas if they had the choice again now.

  2. I don’t believe them for a second. All these Nazis cheered on Hamas on Oct 7. They all taught kids to brutally kill us. Palestinians are good liars. Now that they are caught with their pants down pun intended they play a good game. Lairs liars pants on fire literally

  3. These guys should be allowed to speak to the white democrat Karens who are ILLEGALLY blocking the entrances to our airports & bridges and defacing public property, while the fat overweight affirmative action pick, Eddie Caban, sips bourbon on the beaches of the Dominican Republic.

  4. Hate to say it but I don’t think they really believe this. They voted Hamas in. They cheered on Hamas on October 7th. While facing the IDF in shackles, they sing a different tune. The second their out, they’re back to the same old hate and terror.

  5. I would also like them to be free of Hamas – and those like them.

    However, at this point it has to be in a different country, far away from Israel.

    I’m sure there are people there who really don’t like Hamas, but there are others and there is no way to know tomorrow who is whom. If we don’t relocate the people of Gaza, then there will just be a new version of Hamas sometime in the future.

    What’s more, if Hamas is totally and utterly destroyed and the people of Gaza are relocated to other countries where they can lead normal, healthy lives – then perhaps (please G-d) other such groups as Hamas will realize that they have something real to lose if they take on G-d’s people.

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