IDF: 29 Deaths Of Soldiers Resulted From Friendly Fire, Accidents

A medical evacuation from the Gaza Strip by Unit 669. (IDF spokesperson)

The IDF on Monday reported that since the beginning of the ground operation in Gaza, 29 out of the 170 casualties among IDF soldiers resulted from accidents, including friendly fire.

Eighteen soldiers were killed by incidents of friendly fire due to mistaken identification, two were killed by stray bullet incidents, and nine by accidents, including vehicle collisions, unintentional bullet discharges, and explosions of IDF ammunition.

In addition, four soldiers fell in operational accidents and friendly fire incidents at the northern border and in Yehudah and Shomron since the beginning of the war.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


6 Responses

  1. Very sad but NOT unusual when fighting in the close quarters of urban warfare as in Gaza. While some special IDF units had the requisite training prior to October 7th, the vast percentage of the regular infantry and armored brigades had very limited training in the tactics needed to minimize friendly fire casualties.

  2. That means ONE out of every Six soldiers who was killed since the operation began, was killed not by Hamas, but by unfortunate accidents.

  3. @YOCHY. The point of this story Is to teach us a lession to be more careful not to offend, Insult, or tease one another at our homes, shuls, etc.

    But this wasn’t YWN’s Intention. The purpose of this story Is to acknowledge that the casuaulties cuased by the enemy are lower than what the published death toll Is In order to give sense to the Israeli Gov and the IDF that they didn’t just go to war without properly defening their troops.

  4. @Fanywn,
    No, not just ‘unfortunate accidents’.
    There is no such wording in Jewish lexicon (unless you submit yourself to the hegelical and fascist views interwined with a warped twisted version of ‘national judaism’ – which are two opposites), nothing is an accident.

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