IRONIC: Terrorist-Loving Rashida Tlaib Calls Netanyahu A “Genocidal Maniac”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib attacked her Congressional colleagues who have engaged in discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, labeling Netanyahu a “genocidal maniac” in a post on her Instagram Story on Wednesday.

“Every member of Congress who sits down with this murderer is supporting a war criminal,” Tlaib wrote. “We will never ever forget.”

Her remarks not only target members of the opposing party but also include Democrats who have met with Netanyahu since the conflict’s escalation.

Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, is consistently anti-Israel and anti-Semitic, but has intensified her rhetoric against the Jewish State after the Hamas attack which sparked the current war.

“I am so sick and tired of our country funding and supporting a genocide and war on children,” Tlaib added in another Instagram post. “Please don’t stop talking about Palestine.” Accompanying her post was a video allegedly showing a deceased Palestinian infant.

Tlaib shared her warped perspective after a visit by Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a moderate Democrat from New Jersey, to Israel, where he met with Netanyahu and other officials, as well as families of individuals held captive by Hamas. Gottheimer emphasized the U.S. commitment to bringing hostages home, eliminating terrorists, and providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians used as human shields by Hamas.

Gottheimer was among 22 House Democrats who joined Republicans in voting to censure Tlaib over her past comments about Israel in November.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Tlaib can be an antisemite. Wont argue it but its irrelevant. Shes not killing people.
    Bibi is a genocidal maniac, killing his OWN people. Poor spouses left to grieve and convincing themselves, their loved ones died for a justly cause.
    They didnt.
    These innocent souls are brainwashed into believing that G d wants them fighting for this heretic “Jewish State”
    Cldnt be more false.
    Tlaib is an antisemite but Bibi is a murderer.

  2. Miriam: What do you suggest they do? Just relax and wait for another Oct. 7 ח”ו? Or maybe everyone just leave Ertez Yisroel and let the mob come take over? What exactly is your point?

  3. Who cares what Tlaib says, she just says what she wants without checking the facts. If the truth hit her in the face she would ignore it. She is just another idiot elected by biased constituents, who ignore the facts.

  4. Miriam: please join those which you stand up for. If u are anti israel and believe that they have no rights to defend themselves, live with the arabs

  5. Miriam, You are as loony as Tlaib. Every kid understands that if Hamas slaughters 1200 and injured 2500 in one day then the ONLY solution is a war to destroy Hamas and unfortunately War comes with a price. I am not sure what you don’t understand. You’re either part of Neturei Karta R”L or an Anti Semite with a Jewish sounding name.

  6. And she’s all busy with this while she’s being paid to work on behalf of the American people and that’s the oath of office she took.

  7. The fact that Comment number 1 Miriam can even be posted is sad and pathetic. Do we forget that our people were sent to Auschwitz 80 years ago. Now we have a state and the ability to defend ourselves. Clearly the only one brainwashed is you by some pathetic Hashkapha that supports terrorists .

  8. “These innocent souls are brainwashed into believing that G d wants them fighting for this heretic “Jewish State””


    While we shouldn’t support the government as a whole due to their anti-Torah views (which is why we shouldn’t wave the zionist flag or sing their G-dless anthem), we are OBLIGATED by Torah to support the army of Jews who are fulfilling their HALACHIC OBLIGATION to fight to protect their fellow Jews.

    When was the last time that YOU were MOSER NEFESH for a mitzva!? Most of us never have this opportunity in our lifetime, while these young people are doing it EVERY DAY for MONTHS!

    Where, you may ask, is the source for this halachic obligation?
    No, it’s not a midrash or a rashi. It is from the same source that we know every halacha for day-to-day life:
    Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim הלכות שבת סי’ שכט:
    נפשות ואפי’ סתם יוצאים עליהם בכלי זיין ומחללים עליהם את השבת ובעיר הסמוכה לספר אפילו לא באו אלא על עסקי תבן וקש מחללין עליהם את השבת: הגה ואפילו לא באו עדיין אלא רוצים לבא [א”ז]: יש מי שאומר שבזמן הזה אפי’ באו על עסקי ממון מחללין שאם לא יניחנו ישראל לשלול ולבוז ממונו יהרגנו והוי עסקי נפשות [ומ”מ הכל לפי הענין] (פסקי מהרי”א סי’ ק”כ):
    “Regarding non-Jews who besiege Jewish cities: if they come for money, we do not desecrate the Shabbat [to protect ourselves], but if they came to kill or come with no presented reason, we go out with weapons and desecrate the Shabbat. In a city that is near the border, even if they just come for straw or hay, we desecrate the Shabbat. Rem”a: Even if they haven’t come but they want to come (Or Zarua). There is one who says that in our times, even if they come for money, we desecrate the Shabbat, because if we do not allow them to plunder the money, they will kill, and so it becomes a case of saving life. (In any event, everything is according to the situation(Piskei Mahara’i Chapter 156).)”

    Going to war to protect Jewish cities (in Eretz Yisroel or in chutz laaretz) is a HALACHIC OBLIGATION even on Shabbos!
    If it’s a border city, we must go to war on Shabbos even if the enemy just came to steal some STRAW!!! How much more so if they came to kill 1000﬩ r”l!

    Miriam, you are the innocent soul who has been brainwashed into believing that the will of G-d is different then what is clearly stated in Shulchan Aruch.

  9. I’m glad there are finally a number of comments excoriating Miriam. She has been posting this same sort of rish’us for years. As others said, go live with the Arabs in what’s left of Gaza, Miriam!

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