Dozens Of Hamas Supporters Arrested For Shutting Down Roads Leading To JFK Airport [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Multiple roads leading into JFK Airport were blocked by Hamas supporters demanding an end to the war in Gaza. One of the protests took place along I678 (Van Wyck Expressway) and the service road next to it leading to JFK International Airport.

Eye-witnesses tell YWN that the NYPD as well as Port Authority Police arrived with tow trucks as protestors blocked roads with their cars.

As many as 60 protestors were arrested at JFK Airport, and placed on MTA buses.

Many travelers were seen dragging their suitcases on the road and attempting to walk to JFK to make their flights.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Why use zip ties and treat them like royalty. Put the metal bracelets on them, and turn the key so they keep tightening if they move around and beat them if they resist arrest. Your tax dollars at work everyone. Woke NY at its best.

  2. These terror loving animals should be held fiunancially liable for damages to all those who missed their flights. Sadly, there are enough woke lawyers who believe that there are first amoendment rights that permit blocking traffic.

    I do have a thought here that is more profound. Let’s examine the strategies used by those whose position is in concert with moral value and those whose are clearly not. The moral ones might demonstrate, yell, and make their point. They will make prayer vigils and daven. Those whose immorality is showing will block traffic, damage others, get violent, loot, burn businesses, and engage in menacing and threatening. And the MSM media buys into the immoral stuff. We need Moshiach.

  3. Eddie Caban should resign in disgrace! This incompetent dog is even worse than Dermot Shea under DeBlasio. Caban has gone AWOL and left the City in ruins. Since these riots/protests started, soon after Oct 7th, he has disappeared and has encouraged all this criminal behavior by his inaction. Sure, if a WHITE Frum Yid goes thru a red light, 10 cops surround the car, guns drawn. But if any of these thousands of Hamas demonstrators punch cops, block roads and bridges, vandalize public & private property, the coward police put their tail between their legs and go get another donut and coffee. Welcome to Sedom.

  4. Rabosai, antisemitic sentiment is rapidly rising! We don’t have friends. This is growing around the world! ולנו, אין לנו אלא אבינו שבשמים
    Let’s ולדבקה בו

  5. Why weren’t they chanting to free the hostages instead of their evil Palestine?
    Meanwhile the police should have:-
    1) immediately deported them to Gaza or/&
    2) Placed them on runway in path of aeroplanes or/&
    3) Placed them in front of aeroplane engines to be sucked in with the birds 🐦

  6. They chant, “Free, Free, Palestine.”
    We respond, “Worth a cent, we paid a dime.”

    They chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
    We respond, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will never be.”

  7. We should be concerned that attacks such as these, especially in the English speaking countries, are testing the willingness of the police to protect Jews, and if the police don’t respond forcefully, the next step will be a full fledged pogrom.

  8. Those are not MTA buses, but clearly Port Authority busses.
    It is so hard to take journalism seriously and deem your articles accurate when small obvious details are obviously factually incorrect.

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