HORRIFYING VIDEO: American College Students Openly Support Campaign To Kill Jews

A mind-boggling video released Thursday by filmmaker Ami Horowitz shows students at San Francisco State University (SFSU) supporting and even offering donations help kill Jews.

In a series of interactions captured on hidden cameras, Horowitz is seen asking students if they are willing to contribute financially to “arms and weapons against the Jews” globally. He specifically mentions targeting “soft targets, schools, hospitals, Jewish cafes.” Horowitz tells one student, “All we have is rockets and suicide bombers, that kind of thing.”

Reactions from the students were varied but deeply concerning. “I would totally be down,” one student said. Another student responded, “I like what you’re saying,” while another said of Jews, “I think their behavior and the actions are evil.”

“Because they want the land. It’s a money thing,” yet another student said.

The video shows some students offering money, ranging from $5 to $30, to support Horowitz’s fictional campaign. On student, unable to donate money, “kindly” offered to instead spread the message.

In all, 28 out of 35 students asked expressed support for killing Jews and 17 out of 35 – nearly 50% – offered money to kill Jews.

Closing out the video, Horowitz highlighted his alarming findings: “The rhetoric in demonizing Jews we have seen globally has led to this. Twenty-eight out of 35 people I engaged in conversation with expressed support for what I was doing. And 17 out of 35 — nearly 50% of the people I spoke with — offered me money to kill Jews.”


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. This is ingenious. He and others should keep doing more of exactly this on left wing grounds, such as universities, etc.

    But they shouldn’t hide the facts of these antisemitic punks. In fact, he should ask them for their email addresses to offer to send them a moral support follow up and then ask them for their names.

    And release the videos with all those identifying faces and information.

  2. For all those who will blame the messenger, if 28 out of 35 random students were immediately, eagerly on board, then Ami isn’t the the problem.

  3. Listen, we all know that there is a lot of antisemitism on college campuses. But don’t start planting dangerous ideas in people’s heads!

    In other words, this video is rather clever. I’m just not sure that it’s very smart.

  4. He should do the same with politicians, law enforcement figures and Professors. They might be more careful but he has the skills how to play the game well and get their real hidden opinions out to the public.

    What a well done job !

  5. We should not be concerned about the rest of the world seeing this. Rather, we should daven very hard that we are not witnessing a resurgence of the Hitler Youth. These all-American kids, with a vicious hatred of all Jews – Israeli, American, Orthodox, reform, whatever. In 20 years, these kids are running the country. Ayom v’nora!

  6. Disagree with what he is doing. He is planting dangerous ideas in the vacuous heads of the nincompoops he engaged with. And TG these students are not only vile but miserly as well. I would have liked to see a reaction excoriating his request as well.

  7. American colleges never liked Jews.
    There once where quotas to limit the amount of Jews excepted in universities.
    They never apologized
    so the jew hatred there shouldn’t come as shock to us.

  8. READ
    Although its devastating, the Zionists have brought upon it themselves.
    Jews are not Zionist but Zionists ARE Jews and the clueless IDF soldiers think they’re fighting a Jewish cause.
    And the antisemitism the Zionists have brought upon Klal Yisrael is beyond devastating.
    Let the world know, JEWS ARE NOT ZIONISTS!!!! Stop the violence and support a ceasefire. Too many precious lives lost.
    Bibi is a monster who wont stop short until his revenge is beyond bitter. Its is already. Open your brains and see that Zionism is a calamity that Klal Yisrael deals with for many years that only brought devastating bloodshed.
    It was the Satmar Rav Zatzal that said it years ago and he was waved off. Its here. Its unfortunately crystal clear.

  9. Ignoring or sticking your head in the sand is not the answer. Constant exposure is Making Americans aware of the race hatred the left is teaching and indoctrinating our youth with needs to be exposed.
    Harvard has lost funding from msny billionaires enrollment is off as is same in several other institutions.
    Exposure and hitting their picket book will bring it under control

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