IDF’s Elite LOTAR Unit Showcased in Newly Released Footage from Gaza Operations

The IDF has released new footage showcasing the actions of the elite LOTAR unit in the Gaza Strip. This marks the first deployment of the LOTAR unit, which is typically responsible for training other elite IDF units.

The IDF highlighted the unique capabilities of the LOTAR unit being utilized in Gaza, including specialized skills in sniping, handling explosives, and breaching buildings.

A significant incident captured in the released footage features LOTAR troops engaging a Hamas terrorist. According to the IDF, the terrorist emerged from a tunnel shaft and opened fire on the soldiers, seemingly as a ploy to lure them towards a nearby explosive device. The IDF reported that the troops swiftly responded, returning fire, using grenades, and successfully neutralizing the gunman. Subsequently, they located and destroyed the tunnel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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