Huckabee Sees the Peril in Continued Concessions

huck2.jpgDuring a visit to Jerusalem, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee warned against the “land for peace” principle, rejecting calls to divide Jerusalem to enable the capital to also serve as the capital of a PA state in the future.

Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister, maintains his pro-Greater Land of Israel views and was quite open in expressing his opposition to continued concessions to the PA as Israel continues her quest for peace with her neighbors.

The White House’s two-state solution which demands Israeli concessions in Yehuda and Shomron is not a logical approach he told reporters, insisting the concessions will not bring peace closer, but have just the opposite effect. He went on to explain that peace does not come about by creating an “indefensible situation”.

He spoke of the absurd situation of making land concessions in the capital, stating he cannot envision a Palestinian capital 150 meters from his King David Hotel room as he looked out at the growing Jewish areas in what has been predominately Arab areas of the capital.

The former governor stated such a situation would never be entertained in the United States, having two capitals on the same street, and it should not be done in Israel, even if Israel and the PA maintained good relations, which they do not – making it all the more difficult and dangerous,  he explained.

His remarkably refreshing remarks should have come from Knesset many commented, as he openly declared “The Jewish People have a right to a Home Land”.

Huckabee was on his 10th trip to Israel, with this one sponsored by the Jewish Reclamation Project of Ateret Kohanim, an organization that plays a leading role in buying properties from Arab landowners and building the Jewish presence in areas including the so-called Muslim Quarter of the Old City. He commended their work, legally acquiring land and building a solid Jewish presence.

Huckabee was accompanied by New York Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who turned to him during the press conference and stated “I am supporting you for president.”

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Glad Huckabee can see what most others can not. There are still a voice in the Torah camp who are backers of ‘land for peace’ or the ‘pikuach nefesh’ dilemma. We have seen & heard the true face and words of the enemy, there is no room for compromise unless we are prepared for utter destruction of the Jewish population in Israel.

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