FRIEND OF HAMAS: ICRC Chief Refused To Be Photographed With Hostages’ Families

In a high-stakes meeting held Thursday in Tel Aviv, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, reportedly refused to take a photograph with the families of hostages being held by Hamas.

Spoljaric has not only declined to have her photo taken but has also resisted Israeli calls to publicly pressure Hamas to allow Red Cross visits to the hostages. Her argument revolves around the belief that exerting such pressure on the terror group may not yield the desired results and could jeopardize the ICRC’s ability to operate effectively in conflict zones.

However, the families of the hostages have unequivocally rejected the ICRC’s arguments. They accuse the organization of failing to fulfill its responsibilities, including facilitating the transfer of necessary medical supplies to their loved ones. Moreover, they argue that the ICRC seems more willing to criticize the Israeli government than to address their pressing concerns.

During the emotionally charged meeting, one of the fathers of the hostages stood up and passionately demanded that Spoljaric take his son’s inhaler and ensure its delivery to the captive. In response, the Red Cross President attempted to explain her limitations in fulfilling the request, but the father adamantly refused to accept her explanation.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Its sad to witness how the desoerate families of the hostages have presented their plight to so many unsympathetic people. did they really expect the Pope to sympathize with Yidden and call on Muslims for the return of the hostages? Or the Red Cross that is clearly partial to the Palestinians? It’s like asking leopards to change their spots

  2. During the emotionally charged meeting, one of the fathers of the hostages stood up and passionately demanded that Spoljaric take his son’s inhaler and ensure its delivery to the captive. In response, the Red Cross President attempted to explain her limitations in fulfilling the request, but the father adamantly refused to accept her explanation.

    Wicked evil woman. She’ll get what’s coming to her.

  3. Based on the organization’s history, I suspect anti-Semitism is more likely the cause rather than support for Hamas.

    The Israelis should refuse any dealing with the ICRC, and insist on working with (and allowing into the country) only representatives of the Red Cross from countries that are historically friendly to Jews, such as the American Red Cross.

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