WATCH THIS: Turkish MP Suffers Cardiac Arrest Seconds After Saying “Israel Will Suffer Wrath of Allah”

During a speech today, Turkish Parliamentarian Hasan Bitmez collapsed immediately after delivering strong criticisms against Israel.

In his closing remarks, Bitmez said, “We can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history,” and stated that “Israel will suffer the “wrath of Allah”. Shortly after these words, Bitmez suffered the “wrath of Allah”, and collapsed.

According to Turkish reports, he underwent “cardiac massage” (CPR), and was rushed to a hospital where he is listed in critical condition.

Bilkent City Hospital. Saadet Chairperson Temel Karamollaoğlu told reporters that “Bitmez’s health was still at risk and asked for prayers for his recovery”.

A name for Tehillim was not available.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. I thank-and-praise THE G*D-OF-ISRAEL for modern-day Chanukah-miracle.
    And you should too!!

    But I also have a question:
    Why was this one enemy-of-Jews punished immediately,
    when many others who are much worse have not-yet been punished?

  2. The miracle where the IDF encountered the Dove in Gaza which was a shaliach to save their lives, was a truly major miracle, reminiscent of years ago, when Mama Rochel protected soldiers from booby-trapped houses in Gaza.

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