Read The Final Words Of Fallen Soldier Ben Zussman, HY’D: “If I’m Taken Captive, Don’t Negotiate Any Deal For Me”

Ben Zussman, H'yd.

Sgt. Major (res.) Ben Zussman, Hy’d, of Jerusalem fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip last week.

Zussman, H’yd, was the son of Tzvi and Sarit Zussman of Jerusalem, the grandson of Edna and Aver Zussman, a part-time resident of Denver, and the great-grandson of the late Ben and Bernice Zussman of Denver.

Before Zussman, z’l went into battle in the Gaza Strip, he wrote a letter to his family. Read his moving words below:

“I’m writing you this message on the way to the base. If you’re reading this, something must have happened to me. As you know about me, probably no one is happier than me right now.”

“I’m mamash on the verge of fulfilling my dream soon. I’m happy and grateful for the zechus I have to defend our beautiful country and Am Yisrael.”

“Even if something happens to me, I don’t allow you to sink into sorrow. I had the zechus to fulfill my dream and my mission and you can be sure that I’m looking down on you and smiling a huge smile. I will probably sit next to Saba and we’ll make up for lost time – we’ll each tell about our experiences and what changed from war to war. Maybe we’ll also talk a little about politics, I’ll ask him what his opinion is.”

“If chas v’chalilah, you’re sitting shiva, transform it into a week of friends, family, and fun. There should be food – fleishig of course – beers, sweet drinks, nuts, tea and of course, Ima’s cookies. Make jokes, hear stories, and meet all my friends you haven’t met yet. I’m jealous of you, I would have liked to sit there and see everyone.”

“Another very very important point. If chalilah, I fall into captivity, dead or alive, I’m not willing for any soldier or civilian to be injured by some deal to free me. I don’t allow you to lead a campaign or anything like that. I’m not willing for terrorists to be freed for me – in any way, shape, or form. Please don’t breach my request.”

“I’ll say it again – I left home without even being called up to the reserves. I’m full of pride and a sense of mission. I always said that if I need to die, הלוואי it will happen while defending others and our country.”

“.ירושלים, הפקדתי שומרים, שיום יגיע ואהיה אחד מהם

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. BD”E.

    Judaism does not permit giving one’s life for defending any land/country and not any invented “am” (as opposed to Klal Yisrael). This is, of course, Zionist idolatry.

  2. ““If chas v’chalilah, you’re sitting shiva, transform it into a week of friends, family, and fun. There should be food – fleishig of course – beers, sweet drinks, nuts, tea and of course, Ima’s cookies. Make jokes, hear stories, and meet all my friends you haven’t met yet. I’m jealous of you, I would have liked to sit there and see everyone.””

    Unlike Zionist idolatry, which destroys the Torah to fit its wishes, Judaism has halachos of how that week is supposed to be done. It cannot be simply “transformed”.

    I have no idea what Jewish education this soldier received, so of course one cannot judge him, but anti-Torah ideas should not be posted to Jewish sites.

  3. WoW!!!
    May his family be comforted in knowing what a Tzaddik Ben was.
    He is an inspiration to all and to worry about others after one passes on is the works of g’dolim..
    T’nachamu Min Shamayim!!

  4. To Hakatan:
    I’m not calling you out CHV’S, just putting things into perspective.
    This was a young man, called up to battle to fight for his life and the lives of others. Fight against those who glorify death, whose lives are complete when dying as a martyr.
    Emotions are flying, life’s flashing in front of him, his heart racing uncontrollably.
    I don’t think we can call him anything but a tzaddik when dying Al Kiddush Hashem. And most importantly, those were the words Hashem put in his head and on his notes.

  5. Whether he is right or wrong is not the point here, what you can clearly see is that he is FULL of Ahavas Yisroel and ahavas Eretz Yisroel and in this point there is much to be learned from him. Hashem yinkom domo veyehi zichro boruch.

  6. Eich Naflu Giborim – Hashem Yikom Damo. The line about what should be done if he’s captured shows particular strength.

    And to HaKatan – get lost. Your single-minded hatred of anything to do with Israel is never less appropriate than now – and your need to interject it when responding to a letter of comfort that a soldier wrote to his family, knowing they’d only receive it if he were killed, is about as out-of-place as anything could be.

    You’re like those Meah Shearimniks who, when Jews were expelled from Gaza i. 2005, hired bands to play in celebration of “the beginning of the end of the Zionist Kefira” – but the bands were ordered but the Badatz of the Eida to refuse to play since it was wrong to play when other Jews – even if their Hashkafa was wrong according to the Eida – were suffering.

    Then again, I suppose I shouldn’t expect more from a troll…

    an Israeli Yid

  7. How do you allow people to comment on an
    article like this….

    Does everything have to be thrown out there
    so that maybe someone will make a dumb comment..

  8. HaKatan wrote: Judaism does not permit giving one’s life for defending any land/country and not any invented “am” (as opposed to Klal Yisrael). This is, of course, Zionist idolatry.

    I suppose HaKatan also considers Shulchan Aruch is also, if course, Zionist idolatry. (As he considers Chabad also idolatry).

    I will quote up Shulchan Aruch and add the translation (of course and obviously you require it). It shows the EXACT opposite of HaKatan’s comment. That Judaism demands that we defend our cities and communities (even in Chutz L’Aretz and certainly in Eretz Yisroel) from goyim, and it is Pikuach Nefesh. The risk to defend could resist in loss of Jewish lives.

    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim
    Siman 329

    עכו”ם שצרו על עיירות ישראל אם באו על עסק ממון אין מחללין עליהם את השבת באו על עסק נפשות ואפי’ סתם יוצאים עליהם בכלי זיין ומחללים עליהם את השבת ובעיר הסמוכה לספר אפילו לא באו אלא על עסקי תבן וקש מחללין עליהם את השבת: הגה ואפילו לא באו עדיין אלא רוצים לבא [א”ז]: 6.

    Regarding non-Jews who besiege Jewish cities: if they come for money, we do not desecrate the Shabbat [to protect ourselves], but if they came to kill or come with no presented reason, we go out with weapons and desecrate the Shabbat. In a city near the border, even if they just come for straw or hay, we desecrate the Shabbat. Rem”a: Even if they haven’t come but they want to come (Or Zarua).

    יש מי שאומר שבזמן הזה אפי’ באו על עסקי ממון מחללין שאם לא יניחנו ישראל לשלול ולבוז ממונו יהרגנו והוי עסקי נפשות [ומ”מ הכל לפי הענין] (פסקי מהרי”א סי’ ק”כ): 7.

    There is one who says that in our times, even if they come for money, we desecrate the Shabbat, because if we do not allow them to plunder the money, they will kill, and so it becomes a case of saving life. (In any event, everything is according to the situation(Piskei Mahara’i Chapter 156).)

    So, HaKatan, your religion does not line up with true Judaism. Therefore you speak against kedoshim, heros like this soldier who gave his life for the safety and lives of klal Yisroel, or heros like Chabad that sacrifice for the spiritual lives of other Jews.

    I would simply say, shame on you and a special place awaits you in גהינום, but you deserve more:
    Sadly, you spew your anti-Jewish and anti-halacha poison on this website and like any missionary, you convince others of your apikursos, חוטא ומחטיא את הרבים.

  9. Eating meat is not allowed during shiva.

    Moderators Note: Not only is one permitted to eat meat during Shiva, but one is allowed to drink wine. “YNWisfakenews”.

  10. Judaism does not permit giving one’s life for defending any land/country and not any invented “am” (as opposed to Klal Yisrael). This is, of course, Zionist idolatry.
    Katan, in his great zeal to fight zionism [a bad and dangerous ideology] , is going overboard , as usual…
    This Kadosh wanted to give up his life for klal yisrael .
    Not for anyone else.
    Not for any other Am .
    That much is clear .
    And Judaism does permit that .
    And praises it.
    Thats why Harugei Lud were praised by Hazal.

  11. HaKatan wrote: I have no idea what Jewish education this soldier received, so of course one cannot judge him, but anti-Torah ideas should not be posted to Jewish sites.

    How dare you speak against a Kadosh! He gave up his life for klal Yisroel.

    If you don’t like how he wants the Shiva celebrated, May you soon demonstrate how to sit Shiva properly.

    Shame on the parents that produced you. Shame on the Rabbeim that taught you. You bring disgrace to them.

  12. “Judaism does not permit giving one’s life for defending any land/country and not any invented “am” (as opposed to Klal Yisrael). This is, of course, Zionist idolatry.” I am not sure what the basis of your (HaKatan) psak is. However, if very old memory serves me, we also are told “Habo B’machteres (sic?) (in Sanhedrin I think) that if someone comes to harm you via a tunnel, kill him as his blood is on his hands, not yours. Seems to me this is precisely a Torah source permitting what the Jews of Israel are doing.

  13. HaKatan wrote disparaging comments against a Kadosh! That is obnoxious. It is also pure sinas yisroel, hate and anti-semitic. Of a non-jewish news site would print such offensive words, we would be up in arms. I ask YWN:

  14. YWNisfakenews wrongly says that eating meat is not allowed during Shiva.

    Michaber 378:8; Rambam 4:6; Taz 398:2 state clearly:

    Meat is permitted for the mourner to eat meat during Shiva

    The reason: The prohibition of eating meat only applies PRIOR to the burial when the mourner is an Onen, however during Shiva it is permitted to drink wine and eat meat. [Shach 378:7]

    POINT IS: DO NOT CRITICIZE A KADOSH (or ANY Jew), especially with your extreme ignorance.

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